How to Provide Managers in Completely Different Sales Regions with Access to Everything

Accounts for large multinational corporations are typically assigned to sales teams in different countries or regions. That creates a problem. By default, managers in each region can only access information in their own region.

No single manager can access all of the accounts and opportunities for the entire multinational. You can use a combination of account hierarchies and sales territory setup to provide access. By including the account at the top of the multinational hierarchy in the territory of a manager, you provide edit access to all accounts and opportunities in the hierarchy, regardless of where the're located. Managers get access to the account you include in the territory, and to all the accounts below it in the hierarchy. So, you can also use this method to provide access to a subset of the hierarchy.

Setup Summary

  1. Create the account hierarchy either directly in the Edit Account UI or by importing the hierarchy as described in this guide.

  2. Include the top account or another account in the hierarchy:

    1. Create the territory in a territory proposal.

    2. On the Coverages tab in the Included Customers, Selected Customers region, click Select and Add.

    3. In the Select and Add window, search for the account by name or other criteria.

    4. Click Save and Close to include the account and return to the Coverages tab.

    5. Select the account and click Include Hierarchy.

      The Include Hierarchy indicator appears in the Include Hierarchy column.

      Here's a screenshot of a sample territory in the Territory Proposal page with the Pinnacle Technologies account included on the Coverages tab. The presence of the Include Hierarchy indicator (callout 1) means that the territory owner has edit access to all of the accounts in the hierarchy below the Pinnacle Technologies account.

      Screen capture of the Territory Proposal page for a sample key account director territory. The Pinnacle Technologies account is included and the presence of the Include Hierarchy indicator means that the territory owner has access to all of the accounts in the hierarchy below Pinnacle Technologies.