How to Use This Guide

This guide assumes that you use the Setup Assistant setup wizard to start your implementation. It covers the setup steps you must complete manually after you run the Setup Assistant.

This guide also explains how to import the data you need for setup using Excel macros provided by Oracle on the Oracle support portal. It doesn't cover Import Management or Export Management.

The guide doesn't cover in detail all the manual equivalents for the steps the Setup Assistant automates. You can find these in the Implementation Reference guide.

Here's how to use the guide:

  1. Plan out which features your organization will be using and which UIs you will use. See the topic CX Sales and Digital Sales Features in the Sales Solution for an overview of the features available in each UI.
  2. Before starting the implementation, familiarize yourself with the information you must enter in Setup Assistant and what Setup Assistant completes for you. See the topic What Setup Assistant Completes for You.
  3. Refer to the chapters in the guide to understand the different features Setup Assistant automates and the manual tasks required after you run Setup Assistant.
  4. Run Setup Assistant.
  5. Complete the manual setup tasks in the chapters in the order the chapters are listed. Each chapter includes a setup overview with key setup tasks for both the Digital Sales UI and CX Sales UIs. Some of the chapters and setup tasks have dependencies on what you have already completed, so you should work your way down the table of contents. For example, you can't import contacts before you import accounts.