Connect AI Apps for Sales to CX Sales and Import Sales Data

Set up the connection and import data into AI Apps for Sales from Oracle CX Sales using basic manual steps and configuration. After a successful connection, the application can access and import data from Oracle CX Sales.

Set Up Connection

If you have sufficient data to configure AI Apps features, the Configure Recommended Features page, the last page in the Enable Sales Intelligence task includes the Adaptive Intelligence Activation link.

To complete your configuration, you need to import data from CX Sales.
  1. On the Configure Recommended Features page, click Adaptive Intelligence Activation.

    The Adaptive Intelligence Activation page lists all the selected features. However, you can’t activate them till you set up your connection to import data.

  2. On the Adaptive Intelligence Activation page, click Add Service Connection.

  3. In the Add Service Connection dialog box, enter the following details:

    • Service Endpoint URL: Your Oracle CX Sales host name in the format https://<osc_host_name>. For example,

    • User Name and Password: User name and password of the Oracle CX Sales user account that you created earlier.

    • Data Import Start Date: Optionally, select the date from when you want to ingest data from Oracle CX Sales. If you don't select a date, the application ingests all the available data.

    Note: After you set the date, don't edit the Data Import Start Date field. Contact Oracle Support if you want to update the field.
  4. Click Connect.

    The connection is tested against your Oracle CX Sales host and is saved if successful.
    Note: Update the endpoint URL only if recommended by Oracle Support. Reading a different data set into an existing Oracle AI Apps for Sales instance may result in corrupt predictions.
  5. After you set up the connection, click Activate to enable all the selected features.

    Data ingestion starts immediately.

To complete configuring each feature, see:
  • Set Up Attributes and Filters for Opportunity Win Probability and Lead Scoring Prediction

  • Configure Lead Scores and Recommended Actions