Import Opportunity Revenue Lines

You can use the Excel macro provided by Oracle to import basic information of up to 5,000 opportunity lines at a time.

  1. Open the Opportunity Revenue Quick Import Macro file.

  2. Enable macros, if required.

  3. If you modified opportunity statuses, click the Status worksheet and enter the status codes and statuses in the appropriate columns.

  4. If you modified the win/loss reasons, click the Win_Loss_Reason worksheet and enter the codes and values in the appropriate columns.

  5. Click the Resource_EMail_To_ID_Mapping worksheet.

  6. Click Populate Resource Attributes from Server to populate the worksheet with information about the resources you assign as owners of the opportunity revenue lines you're importing.

  7. Make these entries in the Login dialog:

    1. Enter the host name. The host name is in the portion of the URL between https:// and /sales.

    2. Enter the user name and password.

    3. Click Submit.

  8. If you're importing additional fields, including custom fields, then do the following:

    1. Click the Attributes Mapping worksheet.

    2. Click Fetch Attributes from Server.

    3. In an empty row in the worksheet, select the attribute from the Attribute Name column.

    4. Enter the name you want displayed as the column heading in the Opportunity worksheet. This name displays only in the macro.

    5. Click Update Headers to add the column to the Opportunity Revenue worksheet.

  9. Click the Opportunity Revenue worksheet and enter the revenue lines. You can enter multiple lines for each opportunity. Here's what to enter in the columns:


    What to Enter

    Revenue Number

    Leave this column blank. This unique identifier for the revenue line number is automatically populated by the macro when you initiate the import by clicking Generate Import Activity.

    Opportunity Number

    Enter the opportunity number linked to the revenue line you're entering. You can copy the number from the Opportunity Number column in the opportunity import macro.

    Product Group Reference Number

    This column identifies the sales catalog product group the customer is interested in purchasing. Enter the Product Group Reference Number from the macro you used to import product groups. See the Setting Up the Sales Catalog chapter for details.

    Each revenue line can have either a product group or a product. You can't enter both.

    Product Number

    You can enter the Product Number to indicate the specific sales catalog product the customer is interested in purchasing. You can copy the product number from the product import macro you used earlier or you can view the product numbers in the Products work area.

    You can't enter a product if you entered a product group. A revenue line can't have both.

    Currency Code

    Enter an ISO currency code for the opportunity. For example, USD, EUR, or AUD.


    Select the status of the opportunity revenue line from the list of values or enter one of the statuses manually. For example, Open, Won, Lost, or No Sale.

    Win/Loss Reason

    Using the list of values, enter a win or loss reason for a closed opportunity. If you enter an actual close date, then a win/loss reason is required depending on your profile option setting.

    Actual Close Date

    For closed opportunities, enter the date the opportunity was closed in the following format MM/DD/YYYY.

    If you enter a close date, you must also enter a primary competitor and a win/loss reason, depending on the profile option settings you made.

    Owner E-Mail

    Enter the email of the opportunity revenue line owner. The email must be one of the email addresses on the Resource EMail to ID Mapping worksheet.


    Enter the number of products or product groups that the customer is interested in.

    Estimated Price

    Enter the estimated price per unit for the product group or product.


    Leave this column blank. The macro automatically calculates the amount when you import.

  10. When you're done with your entries, click Create Import Activity.

    The Login dialog displays the host name, user name, and password you entered earlier.

  11. Click Submit.

  12. If the application prompts you to correct errors, then do the following:

    1. Click OK

      The Error worksheet displays your errors.

    2. Click each error link in column D and make the correction on the Template worksheet.

      Note: After you correct an error, you must click outside the field for the correction to be recognized.
    3. Click Create Import Activity and Submit again.

  13. If the macro data is validated without errors, then the macro displays one of the following messages:



    The file import activity was submitted successfully.

    Your import has started. If the file import activity is submitted successfully, then the confirmation message displays the job ID.

    Unable to connect to the server at this time.

    You may have entered an incorrect host.

    Unable to submit the file import activity. Check log for details.

    You most likely entered the wrong mapping number or the user doesn't have the correct permissions. Open the Errors work sheet to view the error details.

  14. If your import activity was submitted successfully, then click Activity Details.

    The Activity Details window appears, listing the import activity name, its ID, and its status.

    • If the import activity is still in progress, you can refresh the status periodically by clicking Refresh.

    • If your import completed successfully, then the status listed is Completed.

  15. Optionally, click Generate Log to save a file listing the opportunities that were imported.