Import the Relationships Between Product Groups and Products

Import the relationship between product groups and products.

Note: You can only relate a product to a product group if the product has the Eligible to Sell option set to Y.
  1. Open the file ProductGroup_Import_Macro.xlsm with the product groups you just imported. You use the product group reference numbers to identify the product groups.

  2. Open the Product_Import_Macro.xlsm file with the products you imported. You use the product numbers in this file to identify the products.

  3. Open ProductGroupItem_Import_Macro.xlsm.

  4. Make sure macros are enabled in Excel.

  5. In the ProductGroupItem_Import_Macro.xlsm file, for each product, enter the product group reference number and the product number.

  6. When you're done with your entries, click Create Import Activity.

  7. On the Login page, enter the following:

    • Host information for your environment. The host name is the portion of the URL of your environment between https:// and /sales.

    • Your user name

    • Your password

  8. Here's what to do if you're prompted to correct errors in your entries:

    1. Click OK.

      The Error worksheet displays your errors.

    2. Click each error link and make the correction.

      Note: After you correct an error, you must click outside the field for the correction to be recognized.
    3. Click Create Import Activity again.

  9. Click Submit.

    The application displays one of these messages:



    The file import activity was submitted successfully.

    Your import has started. If the file import activity is submitted successfully, then the confirmation message displays the job ID.

    Unable to connect to the server at this time.

    You may have entered an incorrect host.

    Unable to submit the file import activity. Check log for details.

    You most likely don't have the correct permissions. Open the Errors work sheet to view the error details.

  10. If your import activity was submitted successfully, then click Activity Details.

    The Activity Details window appears, listing the import activity name, its ID and its status.

    • If the import activity is still in progress, you can refresh the status periodically by clicking Refresh.

    • If your import completed successfully, then the status listed is Completed.

  11. Optionally, click Generate Log to save a file listing the product groups that were imported.