Model Statuses

This table describes the stages a model goes through and the corresponding statuses it displays while going through them:

Scenario Status
You create a copy from an existing model, enter basic details, and save. The model appears in the list. The model is saved as a Draft.
You add attributes and save the model. The model is saved as a Draft.
You click Prepare Data to validate the attributes.

The engine triggers a model run.

Whenever the engine prepares the data or builds the model, the status shows Running.
If the run is successful... The status changes from Running to Draft.
If the run failed... The status changes from Running to Error.
You get the status as Error when the attributes you select don’t have enough data.

Review and make changes to the attributes. Click Prepare Data to run the model process again.

Result: The run is successful.

Status changes from Running to Draft.
The engine prepares the data. You now want to build the model.

You open the model and click Submit.

Status changes from Running to Ready.
Your model is now ready for deployment. Although you can have many models in the Ready status, you can deploy only one of them at any give time.

Review the model, enter the deploy schedule, and click Deploy.

Status changes from Ready to Active.

Your sales team can see the similar accounts based on the similarity identified by the active model.

You want to retire an active model. Click Retire from Actions (the hamburger icon).

A confirmation message appears that the deploy schedule of the model will be deleted.

Status changes from Active to Ready.
You want to delete a model.
  • To remove an active model, you need to retire the model first and delete it.
    • Click Retire from Actions (the hamburger icon).
    • After the model status reverts to Ready, click Delete from Actions.
  • To remove an inactive model, click Delete from Actions.
The engine removes the model permanently from the list view and the Digital Sales database.
Here's a screenshot of the Machine Learning models list. It shows about seven similar account models that are in various statuses such as Draft, Ready, Running, and Error. While many models can exist in the Draft and Ready statuses, only one of them can be active. The model statuses are also indicated in different colors. For example, the Error status is shown in a red box, the Running status is shown in blue, and Active is shown in green.
Model Statuses represented in different colors.