Setup Overview

Forecasting can be set up in many different ways, depending on your requirements. Here are the steps for setting up forecasting two representative forecasting scenarios to give you an idea of how forecasting works. Forecasting is available only in the CX Sales UI.

Before you start review the topic What are some common opportunity forecasting scenarios?.




Where to Get More Details


If your implementation fits the second scenario (you use sales territories for assignment), you enable Forecasting by clicking Submit on the Select Forecasting Options page.

Setup and Maintenance > Sales > Sales Forecasting > Select Forecasting Options

See the topic: Enable Forecasting If You Use Sales Territories for Assignment


Enabling Forecasting using either method creates quarterly forecasts for the next year and monthly forecast submission windows for each.

The forecast submission windows are created automatically, without accounting for the different number of days in each month, weekends, or holidays. For these reasons, you may need to adjust the starting and ending dates of each window to conform to your company's schedule.

Setup and Maintenance > Sales > Sales Forecasting > Select Forecasting Options

See the topic: How can I adjust forecasting windows and set forecasting options?


You can change other forecasting options on the same page:

  • Increase the number of quarters you can forecast at the same time.

  • Specify criteria for including opportunities in the forecast.

  • Set the number of levels of the sales catalog hierarchy managers can adjust forecasts by product revenue.

  • Display a different chart on the Forecasts landing page.

  • Hide the Products tab on the forecast page to disable forecast adjustments by products.

Setup and Maintenance > Sales > Sales Forecasting > Select Forecasting Options

See the topic: How can I adjust forecasting windows and set forecasting options?


If you didn't hide the Products tab, permitting sales managers to adjust forecasts by product, then you should specify what kinds of adjustment types the managers can make.

You don't want sales managers entering their best case forecasts, if the VP of sales isn't interested, for example.

Hide the unused forecasts adjustment types by editing the ORA_ZSF_SHOW_METRICS lookup type.

Setup and Maintenance > Sales > Sales Foundation > Manage Standard Lookups

See the topic: Specify the Types of Forecast Adjustments Sales Managers Can Use