Overview of Sales Machine Learning

Machine learning models recognize patterns in your data and make predictions using the attributes you select in the model. Your application comes with the Similar Accounts model, which recognizes similar accounts using attributes such as location, size, and industry. As a sales administrator without prior training in AI, you can use the Machine Learning feature to modify the existing Similar Accounts model, and you can build machine learning models of your own.

This table shows the setups that you need to complete to enable the Sales Machine Learning feature and show similar accounts on the Account pages of CX Sales.

Step Applies To Description Navigation Where to Get More Details
1 Both Digital Sales and CX Sales Create and deploy the model either by copying the Similar Accounts model or creating one from scratch. Open the Machine Learning Models page either from the last step in the Enable Sales Intelligence Features task. You can also search for the Configure Sales Machine Learning task using the Tasks search panel on the right side of the Setup and Maintenance work area.

See the topics:

2 CX Sales If you copied the Similar Accounts model, the application displays similar accounts automatically in Digital Sales when salespeople enter "Show similar accounts" in the Action Bar.

For CX Sales, you must display the Similar Accounts in the UI using Application Composer.

Application Composer

See the topics in the section: Display Similar Accounts on the Account pages of CX Sales.

High-Level Setup Steps