Overview of the Sales Forecasting Options Page

The Select Forecasting Options page is the Swiss Army knife in your forecasting setup, so it's worth getting an overview of the tools at your disposal. Here's an overview of the different page sections and what you can use them for.

Section Name


Forecast Period Parameters

The application generates the forecast submission windows using the default parameters entered in this section when you enable forecasting and at the end of every quarter.

The generated submission windows are displayed in the Scheduled Forecasts section where you can adjust them to conform with your actual forecasting schedule.

The automatically generated submission windows are approximations only, so you must adjust the dates manually. You can also enter different parameters to generate entirely different set of submission windows.

Unadjusted Forecast Criteria

Here you specify the win probability the application uses to determine which opportunities to include in the forecast. You can also permit salespeople to include any opportunity they want.

Product Tab

Selecting the Enable Product Totals displays the Products tab on the Edit Forecasts page. Sales managers use the tab to adjust forecasts by product group rather than by territories. Deselect Enable Product Totals to enable adjustments by territories only.


All forecasting metrics are enabled automatically, but you can use this section to change what chart is displayed in the Forecasts landing page. If you want to enable the display of the chart comparing forecasts to quotas, select the Quota option and disable the Enable Forecast Trend Graph option in Additional Settings. You can ignore the other options. They aren't used any more.

Additional Settings

Use this section to enable the forecast trend graph as the second chart on the Forecasts landing page, and to make it possible for managers to enter notes about their forecast adjustments.

Scheduled Forecasts

The application displays the generated forecast submission windows in this section. You must manually adjust the dates of each submission window.