Remove a Saved Search from Use by Unsharing It

As an administrator, you can remove saved searches from use entirely by unsharing them. Doing so removes them from the lists of saved searches for all users except yourself. Use this method to remove from use any saved searches provided by Oracle that you don't need.

  1. Place your cursor in the search field on the landing page and select Manage Saved Searches.
  2. On the Manage Saved Searches page, click Actions (the three dots) for the saved search you want to remove, and select Edit.

    Manage Saved Searches showing the location of the Actions menu and Edit selection
  3. On the edit page, click Shared With and select Not shared (callout 1 in the screenshot).

    Saved search edit page highlighting the location of the Shared With field
  4. Click Save.

The saved search is now visible only to you. It's removed from use for the entire organization.