Set Up Attributes and Filters for Opportunity Win Probability and Lead Scoring Prediction

You can configure what fields and records you want AI models to consider, to predict opportunity win probability or lead score.

You can do one of these on the Opportunity Win Probability and Lead Scoring pages:
  • Use filters to exclude records for parent objects such as Lead, Opportunity, or Account. For example, for the Opportunity object, you can set a filter as Sales Channel Equals Indirect. This means that if an opportunity has the value for Sales Channel as Indirect, it would not be considered for prediction.

  • Replace out of the box fields (also called attributes) for any object used by AI models with custom fields that have matching data types.

    For example, for opportunity win probability prediction, Activity object, you may not want the models to consider the ActivityTypeCode field. You may instead want the model to consider data from the ActivityCategory_c custom field. When you select this replacement, the models will consider activity category across opportunities that were won as one of the factors to predict the win probability of new opportunities.

To configure opportunity win probability and lead scoring:
  1. In Setup and Maintenance, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Intelligence in Sales

    • Task: Configure AI Apps in Sales

  2. On the Intelligence in Sales page, click Configure AI Apps in Sales.

  3. On the Configure AI in Sales page, you need to select one of these based on what you want to configure:

    • Opportunity Win Probability: Select this to configure attributes for opportunity win probability prediction.

    • Lead Scoring: Select this to configure attributes for lead score prediction.

  4. On the Opportunity Win Probability or Lead Scoring page, from the Object list, select the object from which you want to remove or replace attributes.
    Note: The Object list consists of parent as well as child objects. For parent objects, you can also apply a filter to select specific records in objects that you want to exclude in the model.
    After you select an object, attributes related to that object are listed in the Model Feature Configuration table. In the Model Feature Configuration table, you can do one of these:
    • Click the Edit icon to replace the out of the box attribute with a custom attribute. Select a custom attribute from the list in the Replace With field. You can only replace an attribute with another if they share the same data type. For example, if you’re replacing an attribute whose data type is string, the attribute you’re replacing it with must also have string as the data type.

      Note: You can only replace certain out of the box attributes.
    • Click the Delete icon to delete a custom attribute mapping for an out of the box attribute. Deleting this mapping clears any replacement selections that you made for the out of the box attribute in the Replace With field.

  5. Click Save.

The models will now use the dataset from the attributes based on how you’ve set them up here.