Setup Assistant and Opportunities

You use Setup Assistant to configure basic opportunity behavior, but you must still supply the details of the sales process you want the sales organization to follow.

What You Can Do in Setup Assistant

  • Select the default sales method.

  • Add, edit, or reorder sales stages.

  • Specify if win or loss reasons are required when closing opportunities.

  • Specify the default close date for opportunities.

    If salespeople don't enter a close date in an opportunity, the close date is set to the creation date plus the number you entered. The close date affects the way opportunities are forecast in the CX Sales UI.

What You Must Complete Manually

  • Create the content for the sales method that you selected.

    For example, for each sales stage in CX Sales, you can suggest action items, make some entries required, and provide documents and assessments.

  • Edit the list of opportunity statuses.

  • Edit the list of win/loss reasons salespeople enter when closing opportunities.

  • In Digital Sales, specify what information the salesperson needs to provide and what actions they need to take to move the opportunity to the next sales stage and to complete the sale. See Guide Salespeople Through Best Practices Using Orchestration.