Test Your Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams Configuration

After you have configured Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams using Microsoft Teams Composer, you should test your configuration before distributing the changes to your users.

Task Summary

To test your configurations, complete these tasks:

  1. Download the configuration changes from the sandbox and verify them.

  2. Publish the sandbox.

Download Configuration Changes From the Sandbox

Here's how:

  1. After making changes to your configuration, keep the Oracle CX Sales application open (signed in with a Sales Administrator or Sales Implementor role). Make sure that the sandbox where you made the changes is active in the application.

  2. Sign in as a Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams user that will be able to view your configuration changes. For example, if the changes have been made to a layout with an assigned role, then you'll need to sign in as a user with the required role permissions to view the changes.

  3. Check your configurations by sending "refresh metadata". Then send the utterance to get the record for the layout.

Publish the Sandbox

Once you're ok with your configurations, publish the sandbox. Here's how:

  1. Sign in to Oracle CX Sales as the same user you used to make the configuration changes.

  2. Publish your sandbox to distribute your changes to all Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams users.

  3. Send "refresh metadata" one more time so all users receive the changes you made to your configurations.

Note: You can configure only the latest skill from the skill store that matches your current release. For example, if the skill you want to modify is from a previous release and you're making your changes in a later release, then you must re-base the skill your users are using to the latest skill that was modified. In addition, you must re-route the channel to the new re-based skill so that users can start using it and perform Reset sessions in the channel UI.