Verify Imported Products and Add Product Images

You can verify the products you imported and add images in the Products work area.

  1. Navigate to the Products work area in CX Sales.

  2. Search for the product by product number or product name:

    1. Click Advanced Search.

    2. In the Advanced Search pane, click Add and select Name from the list.

    3. Enter the product name or the first few letters of the name in the field.

    4. Click Search.

  3. Click the product number link for the product

  4. Here are the steps to add a product image on the Edit Product page:

    1. Click Manage Attachments (plus sign icon) under the Images heading.

    2. In the Attachments window, click Choose File and select the image.

      You can only include one image for each product.

    3. Click OK.

  5. Click Save and Close.