Create a Lead

You can create a lead in multiple ways: from a contact, from an account, and from the home page. Here are some tips to save you time:

  • If you know the account and contact don't yet exist in your application, you can enter the account and contact names in the lead as text. As you type account and contact names, the application suggests any matching accounts and contacts. If you find right match, you can select it. If not, you can continue with typed values to create a net new lead.

  • If you know that both the contact and account exist in your application, then create the lead from the contact. When you do, the lead gets automatically populated with the account and contact information. When you start with the contact, you also get an overview of the existing leads associated with the contact and the history of past interactions with the contact.

  • If you know the contact is a new contact for an existing account, you can create the contact first and then create your lead. Or you can review the account information first and create the contact and lead from there.

Create a Net New Lead

Here's how to create a net new lead, which stores the account and contact information in the lead. You can have the application create the account and the contact automatically after you verify the lead information.

  1. On the home page, click Create Lead. Alternatively, in the leads list page, click in the search bar and select the same action.

  2. In the Create Lead page, enter the contact name in the Primary Contact field. If there's no existing contact with that name, select the name again from the drop-down (callout 1).

    Create Lead page with Contact field drop-down showing what to select to enter the contact without crating a contact record.
  3. Enter the rest of the lead information. For account, enter the account name in the Account field (highlighted by callout 1 in the screenshot).

    Create Lead page Account field drop-down list showing what to select to enter the account without crating an account record.
  4. Click Save.

  5. You can now take any of the available actions on the lead. Just put your cursor in the Action Bar, enter the action, and press Return. Here are some examples:

    • To indicate product interest, for example, enter add and select Product from the list.

    • To send an email, enter email.

    • To call the contact in the lead, enter Call.

Create a Lead from the Contact

  1. On the home page, click Contacts.

    The page displays a list of contacts generated by the default saved search specified by your application administrator. Each saved search comes with predefined filters that restrict what contacts you can search. For example, the My Contacts list displays all the contacts where you're listed as the owner.

  2. Click in the search bar and select the appropriate saved search. For the broadest search, select All Contacts. This saved search displays all of the records you have permission to see.

  3. Enter the contact name in the search bar. Include both first and last name in your search for common names.

  4. Press Return to initiate the search.

  5. Click the contact name in the search results.

  6. In the contact page click in the Action Bar and enter: create, and select Create Lead.

  7. In the Create Lead page, edit any of the defaulted information.

  8. Click Save.

  9. You can now take any of the available actions on the lead. Just put your cursor in the Action Bar, enter the action, and press Return. Here are some examples:

    • To indicate product interest, enter add and select Product from the list.

    • To send an email, enter email.

    • To call the primary contact in the lead, enter Call.

    • To qualify the lead, enter Qualify.