Find and Review Emails

You can view emails and their replies as threads on the record where the original email was sent and in the activity streams of the contacts who receive the emails.

  1. If you know the record from where the original email was sent, then open it. For example, if the email was sent from an opportunity, then open the opportunity.

  2. If you don't know the record from where the email was sent, but you know the recipient contact, then open the contact.

  3. To find emails in the activity stream, you have different options:

    • You can review all the emails in the activity stream. Just enter "email" in the Action Bar and select Filter Email Communication.

    • You can find specific emails by filtering on a word in the text. Just enter the text in the Action Bar and select the Filter option. For example, to search for the email with the word "executive", enter the word and select Filter executive.

      The search retrieves all items with the text, including notes, calls, tasks, and so on.

    • If your search returns too many items, just use the Email Communication and word filters in combination.