Receive an Inbound Call

Here's how you handle incoming calls:

  1. Make yourself available for a call.

  2. Click Answer to accept the incoming call.

    • If a single matching record is found for the incoming phone number, then based on the screen pop rules defined:

      • If the caller is a service customer who's calling for a service request, the Overview page of the selected service request record is displayed.

      • If the caller is a contact or lead (if you're using Digital Sales), the Overview page of the selected record is displayed.

    • If multiple matching records or no matching records are found for the incoming phone number, the Unknown Contact page is displayed.

      • Here, you can either search for an existing contact, or create a new contact.

      • If you're using Digital Sales, you can additionally search for an existing lead, or create a new lead.

      For more information, see the topics "Search for an Existing Contact or Lead from an Incoming Call" and "Create a New Contact or Lead from an Unknown Caller".

  3. In the Call panel, verify the customer-provided details with the details displayed on the Overview page of the selected record, and click Verify.

    • Contact verification is enabled in Service Center, but it's turned off by default in Digital Sales.

    • Until you click Verify in the Call panel, the Search Again action will be available for you to search for another contact. Click Search Again to go the Unknown Contact page and search for a new contact or lead.

  4. In the Call panel, click Actions (horizontal 3 dots icon) to put the call on hold, end the call, or transfer the call to another agent. Click the Mute icon to mute the call.

  5. Enter notes related to the call in the Notes field.

    Any notes you add become part of the wrap up record. You can add or edit your notes during the wrap up session (only in Service Center).

  6. Click Actions (horizontal 3 dots icon) > End Call when finished.

    The wrap up section is displayed (only in Service Center), where you specify the call disposition and complete your notes from the call.

    Note: Wrap up is enabled in Service Center, but it's turned off by default in Digital Sales.
  7. From the Outcome drop-down list, select an outcome for the call, and add any additional notes you may want.

  8. Click Save.

    All incoming interactions are recorded in the activity feed of the record on which you are taking the action.

  9. To edit an interaction, hover over it, then click the Edit (pencil) icon.

    You can edit the note or change the outcome value from the drop-down list.

    Note: You can't edit the interactions for calls that were rejected or abandoned.
  10. In the Create Task section (displayed only in Digital Sales), enter any follow up information, and click Create.

Search for an Existing Contact or Lead from an Incoming Call

On occasion, you may receive a call from a number that isn't associated with a contact or lead. After speaking with the caller, you do a search, then associate the call with a contact that's already recorded in the application. This topic shows you how to do it.

  1. After a call comes in from an unknown number, click Answer.

    The Unknown Contact page opens with the unknown number auto-filled in the Lookup Contacts and Leads search field (in Digital Sales), or the Lookup Contacts search field (in Service Center).

  2. If the contact is known, but perhaps just calling from a different number, enter the contact's name in the search field.

  3. Select the contact name from the results.

    The Unknown Contact page refreshes and displays the Contact Overview page (along with the Call panel) for the contact you selected.

    Note: Until you click Verify in the Call panel, the Search Again icon will be available for you to search for another contact. Click Search Again to go the Unknown Contact page and search for a new contact.