View a Task or an Appointment in One of the Associated Records

You view tasks and appointments in the list of activities on any of the records they're associated with. If a salesperson creates an appointment for a contact, for example, open the contact Activities page to see the activity. Provided you have access to a record itself, you can view basic information about tasks and activities, even if you aren't added as a resource. Some details are visible only when you’re a resource and have edit access, however.

  1. Open the record overview and place you cursor in the Action Bar.

  2. Enter Filter and select either Filter Appointments or Filter Tasks from the list.

    The list of activities displays only the activity type you selected.

  3. If you don't see what you're looking for in the list, you can search using a keyword: just enter the keyword in the Action Bar and press Return.

    Here's a screenshot of what you see in the Activities page after you filter for appointments and search by keyword. Both filters and keywords are listed above the results (callout 1).

    Screenshot of Activities page for an account with callouts referenced in the text
  4. To view more details on the task or appointment details, click on the name (callout 2).

  5. If you're added as a resource in the task or appointment, you can view even more details by selecting Edit from the Actions list (the three vertical dots highlighted by callout 3). The Actions list isn't visible unless you own the activity or you're added as a resource.