Where can I see that a contact is OK or not OK to call and email?

You can see the contact preferences for each phone number and email address in many places that display email addresses and phone numbers:

  • On the contact record itself, the contact preferences for the mobile phone, the work phone, and email address are visible on the contact summary (callout 1 in the screenshot) and on the Contact Details page where you set them.
  • To see the preferences for all phone numbers of a contact (callout 2), enter Show Phone Numbers in the Action Bar.

    Contact record highlighting the contact preferences in the summary region and in the page listing all phones.
  • On leads, you can view the contact preferences for the primary contact listed at the top of the record overview pages, on the Contacts panel, and in the list of all contacts.
    Here's a screen shot of a lead overview page:
    • Contact preferences for the primary contact (callout 1)
    • Contact preferences for the contacts listed in the Contacts panel (callout 2)
    • Link to the page displaying all contacts and their preferences (callout 3)
    Lead summary page highlighting the places that display contact perference information.
  • For accounts, contact preferences are displayed next to the contacts in the Contacts panel (callout 1 in the screenshot) and in the page listing accounts when you click View All Contacts (callout 2). Screenshot of an account highliting the Contacts panel
  • On opportunities, you can see the contact preferences in the Contacts panel (callout 1 in the screenshot) and in the list of all contacts that you can display by clicking View All Contacts (callout 2). Screenshot of an opportunity highlighting the Contacts panel and the View All Contacts link