Considerations for Selecting the Duplicate Resolution Request Type

You can resolve duplicates by creating a duplicate resolution request to either merge or link the potential duplicate records. The type of request that you select determines how these duplicate records are handled after resolution.

If not clear whether you want to merge or link the duplicate records, then you can select a Generic resolution request to make this decision later.

Test Merge

You can create a duplicate resolution request of type Test Merge to test your merge request configuration, such as survivorship rules and agreement rules, without:

  • Changing the application data

  • Depending upon Run Request Dispatcher Job task to review merge results

This helps you to get immediate feedback on the behavior of your merge configuration. After the test merge request is complete, you can drill down into the test resolution request to examine the results of the merge. You can also choose the override flow for the merge request to inspect the merge behavior in complete detail.

Merge Request

You create a merge duplicate resolution request to combine duplicate records into one new master record. After the merge request is completed, all duplicate records are deleted from the data registry and you can update only the master record. The duplicate records that are deleted are also called non-master records. Note that merge supports transfer of attachments from duplicate records to master record.

Link Request

You create a link request to associate the duplicate records. The linked records are treated as unique records in the data registry, and have their own unique identifiers.

While creating the request, you define one of the records as the master record. The resolution process marks and links the other records to the master record, and marks them as duplicates.