How You Manage Activities

You can review, create, and edit activities for your organization, a person, or a group. These activities can be appointments or tasks. You can also record your communication, such as calls, with any resource or contact.

Manage Appointments

You can use this procedure to manage your appointments with a contact or resource such as a customer or partner. This activity can help you prioritize your appointments. You can also provide additional notes for a meeting, if required.

  1. Sign in as a Customer Data Management user, such as Data Steward or Data Steward Manager.

  2. Navigate to the relevant work area, such as Groups, Persons or Organizations as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management.

  3. Search for the record for which you want to manage appointments. You can search by entering criteria such as the name, registry ID, and type. You can also use the saved searches.

  4. Select the record from the Search Results region and click through its name or identifier to navigate to the relevant Edit page. The Edit Organization (account), Edit Person (contact), or Edit Group (Household) page appears.

  5. Click the Activities tab.

  6. Click Actions > Create Appointment to create an appointment. To edit an appointment, search for the appointment and click Actions > Edit. To delete an appointment, search for the appointment and click Actions > Delete. Confirm to delete.

  7. Specify or change the details of the appointment such as subject, timings, contact with whom the appointment is set, and so on. You can set the recurrence of the appointment. You can also create or edit notes for the appointment. For more information about notes, see How You Manage Notes section in this chapter.

  8. Click Save and Close. The appointment is displayed in the list.

Manage Tasks

You can use this procedure to manage tasks, provide a due date, and specify the owner, status, and priority for the task. You can also provide additional notes, if required.

  1. Sign in as a Customer Data Management user, such as Data Steward or Data Steward Manager.

  2. Navigate to the relevant work area, such as Groups, Persons or Organizations as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management.

  3. Search for the record for which you want to manage tasks. You can search by entering criteria such as the name, registry ID, and type. You can also use the saved searches.

  4. Select the record from the Search Results region and click through its name or identifier to navigate to the relevant Edit page. The Edit Organization (account), Edit Person (contact), or Edit Group (Household) page appears.

  5. Click the Activities tab.

  6. Click Actions > Create Task to create a task. To edit a task, search for the task and click Actions > Edit. To delete a task, search for the task and click Actions > Delete. Confirm to delete.

  7. Specify or change the details of the task such as subject, due date, contact with whom the task is to be done, and so on. You can set the priority of the task, percentage of task completion, and status of the task. You can also create or edit notes about the task. For more information about notes, see How You Manage Notes section in this chapter.

  8. Click Save and Close. The task is displayed in the list.

Manage Logging Calls

You can use this procedure to record the details of calls or any communication that you had with a contact or resource. You can also specify the status and priority for the call.

  1. Sign in as a Customer Data Management user, such as Data Steward or Data Steward Manager.

  2. Navigate to the relevant work area, such as Groups, Persons or Organizations as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management.

  3. Search for the record for which you want to manage logging calls. You can search by entering criteria such as the name, registry ID, and type. You can also use the saved searches.

  4. Select the record from the Search Results region and click through its name or identifier to navigate to the relevant Edit page. The Edit Organization (account), Edit Person (contact), or Edit Group (Household) page appears.

  5. Click the Activities tab.

  6. Click Actions > Log a Call to details of a call. To edit a call log, search for the note and click Actions > Edit. To delete a call log, search for the call log and click Actions > Delete. Confirm to delete.

  7. Specify or change the details of the call log such as subject, due date, type of contact, the resource contacted, and so on. You can set the priority of the call log, percentage of task completion, and status of the call log. You can also create or edit notes about the call log. For more information about notes, see How You Manage Notes section in this chapter.

  8. Click Save and Close. The call log is displayed in the list.