Manage Person Information

You can use the Person entity to manage information for different types of individual customers and business contacts.

A Person exists separately from any business relationship that it enters into with another entity. For example, the same Person can enter into different business relationships, such as buying or selling, and can be referred to differently, such as a customer or supplier, in different business flows across the application. In some Oracle Cloud applications, person customers are referred to as contacts.

You can use the Persons work area, to search for a person, retrieve person data from various systems, review the data, and edit the data. The Persons work area also provides you separate tabs to manage different types of person information such as profile, usage assignments, relationships, classifications, source system references, hierarchy memberships, and linked records.

Create Persons

To create persons:

  1. Navigate to the Persons work area as follows: Navigator >Customer Data Management >Persons.

  2. Click the Create action menu option or button.

  3. Complete the mandatory fields. Enter the following sample data:

    • Usage: Contact

    • Fist Name: Andrew

    • Last name: Flintoff

  4. Click Save and Close or Save and Edit, as required.

Search Persons Using Saved Searches

You can use several saved searches to find the person you want to work with. Let's say you want to find all persons associated with a particular address, you can use the Search Persons saved search as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Persons work area as follows: Navigator>Customer Data Management>Persons.

  2. Select Search Persons from Saved Search.

  3. Expand Search.

  4. Click Add Fields and select any option prefixed with Address -. For example, Address- Address Line 1.

  5. Enter the search phrase.

  6. Provide value for one of the required fields such as Name or Registry ID.

  7. Click Search.

You can see a list of persons associated with the particular search phrase.

Edit Persons

To edit persons:

  1. Navigate to the Persons work area as follows: Navigator >Customer Data Management>Persons.

  2. Search for the persons that you want to edit. You can search by entering criteria such as the person name or registry ID. You can also use the saved searches.

  3. Select the person you want to edit from the Search Results region and click through its name or registry ID to navigate to the Edit Person page.

  4. On the Edit Person page, you can edit the person's details such as usage assignments, relationships, source system references, classifications, and linked records.

  5. Click Save and Close.