Perform Automerge Using a SOAP Web Service

This topic describes how to automatically merge confirmed potential duplicates based on duplicate resolution requests using the DuplicateResolutionRequestService Web service.

Performing automerge involves the following tasks:

  • Enabling automerge.

  • Using the DuplicateResolutionRequestService Web Service to create an automatic merge request.

  • Running automerge.

  • Finding out the merge result.

Enable Automerge

  1. Set the User Merge Requests profile option to Allow Processing Without Approval. When the User Merge Requests profile option is set to this value, user merge requests are processed immediately without requiring any approval from Data Steward.

  2. Set the Merge Request Enabled (ZCA_MERGE_REQUEST) profile option to Yes.

  3. Enable the User Merge Requests (ZCH_USER_MERGE_REQUESTS) profile option. This profile option controls the behavior after the merge request is entered. See the section Customer Hub Profile Options.

Use the Web Service to Create an Automatic Merge Request

  1. To create an automatic merge request using the Web service, use the following URL:


    For more information on DuplicateResolutionRequestService, see the Trading Community Real Time Data Quality section in the SOAP Web Services for CX Sales and Fusion Service guide.

  2. You can use your proprietary, or a third party, SOAP Web services client to use the DuplicateResolutionRequestService Web service to create an automatic merge request. Enter the URL and run the createMergeRequest operation with the appropriate payload.

    For more information on Invoking SOAP Web Services, see the Invoking SOAP Web Services chapter in the SOAP Web Services for CX Sales and Fusion Service guide.

Run Automerge

Request your administrator to perform the task Run Request Dispatch Job to disposition the duplicate resolution sets. The Dispatch Job processes any resolution request in Pending or Submitted status. You can run this job in two modes:

On demand:

  1. Navigate to the Run Request Dispatch Job task.

  2. Click Submit.

Per a specific schedule:

  1. Click Advanced on the Run Request Dispatch Job task.

  2. Click Schedule tab and select the Using a Schedule radio button.

  3. Select the frequency you want and click Submit.

Find Merge Result

  1. Use the getMergeResult operation of the DuplicateResolutionRequestService Web service to find the merge result.

  2. Use the operation with appropriate payload to view the result.