Source System References

A source system is any data source from which you can import entity records and other related data.

Source system references are the cross references between the source system unique identifier of a record and the unique identifier of that record in Oracle Applications Cloud.

Source System References in Oracle Applications Cloud

Companies may use multiple software applications to run their businesses. Often, these applications are supplied by different vendors and run on different databases, and that can cause these issues:

  • Duplication of records and data across systems.

  • Logical representation or structure of records may vary.

  • Keeping the data in different systems synchronized, generating a consolidated view, and sharing data across systems becomes highly complex because of the difference in the logical representation.

You can resolve these issues in Oracle Applications Cloud by:

  • Defining multiple external systems as source systems. While defining source systems you can specify the type of the source system. The source system can be a Spoke system, such as a legacy system, or a Purchased system, such as data from a third party provider. You can also specify which objects, such as parties only or parties and contacts, are importable from a particular source system.

  • Creating records in Oracle Applications Cloud database from one or multiple source systems by:

    • Creating master records. Multiple source system references can create one master record by merging or linking multiple duplicate records imported from multiple source systems.

    • Creating records for every source system record. If you don't allow multiple source system references, then a record will be created for every source system record. This means that you could potentially create duplicate records in the database.

  • Using source system references, also known as cross references, to present a consolidated view. You can maintain a central register of global identities, links to master data in source systems, lists of transformation rules, and a minor subset of information that's needed to aid in matching. At runtime, you can access the source systems' master data and assemble a point-in-time consolidated view.

How You Manage Source Systems

In Oracle Applications Cloud, you can:

  • View source systems contributing to the party in the context from the Referenced Source Systems table.

  • View source system identifiers information for the child entities of a party for the source selected from the Referenced Source Systems table.

  • Delete source system identifiers to change the status of the source system reference to inactive.

  • Add source system identifiers to include a new source system reference.

Note: The source system, source system reference identifier, and the start date can't be updated. To change a source system reference identifier, delete the current record and add a new source system reference.