Track Profile History

Profiles and profile attributes of customer entities, such as Groups, Persons, or Organizations, can change over time because of duplicate identification and resolution activities aimed at consolidating data from several different source systems.

The Profile History tab provides you with a history of the changes to the profile of a customer entity.

How You Enable Profile History Tracking

You must set the profile option: ZCH_ENABLE_SURVIVORSHIP to Yes to enable profile history tracking.

View Profile History Information

To view the profile history information for a customer entity, navigate to the specific entity record as follows:

  1. Sign in as a Customer Data Management user, such as Data Steward or Data Steward Manager.

  2. Navigate to the relevant work area, such as Groups, Persons or Organizations as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management.

  3. Search for the record. You can search by entering criteria such as the name, registry ID, and type. You can also use the saved searches.

  4. Select the record from the Search Results region and click through its name or identifier to navigate to the relevant Edit page. The Edit Organization (account), Edit Person (contact), or Edit Group (Household) page appears.

  5. Click the Profile History tab.

On the Profile History tab, you can use the From Date and To Date filters to view the profile history in that date range.

A quick way to determine the most recent record when multiple changes are done within a day, is to use the sequence of changes on a given date along with the effective dates. The profile history information also includes changed attributes such as name, legal status, and size.

Change Details

The Change Details section includes multiple changes done within a day and also indicate the record that's available to be used in transactions. The old and new values of different attributes, such as name, legal status, and size, are also displayed.

You can export both the profile history information and the change details to spreadsheets.

Attribute Details

The Attribute Details section contains the details of the attributes that were updated during the Last Updated Date row that was selected in the Profile History section. The Changed Attribute and Rejected Attributes columns of the Profile History section display the attributes that were changed or rejected during a particular update. The Survivorship Result column in the Change Details section display the result of survivorship rules that were applied for the update selected in the Profile History section.