Manage Leads

Partner sales representatives can access the channel organization's applications to view and manage leads assigned to them, and to create and manage new leads for the channel organization.

Accept or Reject Existing Leads

As a partner sales representative, you can follow these steps to accept or reject leads assigned to you by the channel sales team:

  1. Sign in with your partner sales representative credentials and click Leads.

  2. From your list of open leads, select the lead or leads you want to accept or reject.

  3. If you are accepting the lead, you can click Accept or from the Actions list, choose the action you want to take on the leads you selected.

  4. Click OK.

Note: If you choose to reject a lead, you can provide a reason and details about why you rejected it. You provide this information so the channel account manager can more accurately assign you leads in the future.

Create New Leads

As a partner sales representative, you can follow these steps to create new leads with your channel organization:

  1. Sign in with your partner sales representative credentials and click Leads.

  2. From your Leads list page, click Create Lead.

  3. On the Create Lead page, provide the necessary lead details.

  4. Click OK.