Example of Importing Contract Data

A contract is an agreement between two or more than two parties to fulfill an agreed scope of work. This example demonstrates how to import contract data using Import Management.

In this example, you have a source file containing contract data that you want to import into the application.

Summary of the Tasks

You perform the following steps to create an import activity and activate the import:

  1. Determine what information is in the source file.
  2. Create and schedule the import activity.

Determine the Information in the Source File

You include the data that you want to import into Sales and Fusion Service in a source CSV file. A sample input CSV file for importing contracts with the required attributes:

Sample CSV file to Import Contracts

ContractNumber ContractPuid ContractTypeName Currency InvOrgName LegalEntityName OrgId StartDate StsCode



1 Service Contract

US Dollar Vision Operations Vision Operations




SP-5695 SP-5695 AOKC_SellLines US Dollar

Vision Project Mfg

Vision Project Mfg




AB-88601 AB-88601 AOKC_BuyLines US Dollar Vision Services Vision Services 458 5/8/2022


Note the following:

  • When you import contracts using the contract type column with the contract numbering method set as Automatic, you can leave the ContractNumber column blank in the CSV file for the application to generate the contract numbers automatically. You can also enter the contract number manually when you don't want the application to assign the contract numbering automatically.
  • When the contract type has the contract numbering method set as Manual, you can't leave the contract number blank. If the contract number is left blank, then the application generates an error.
  • To activate a contract while importing, provide the value 'ACTIVE' for the StsCode attribute. This will also activate the lines added to the contract.
  • To import contracts that are closed, canceled, or on hold, you must first import the contract with all required import files, and then re-import the contract import file with the following information:
    • Closed contracts: You must include Status (the status will be Closed), Close reason code, CloseReasonSetCode, Termination Date.
    • On-Hold Contracts: You must include Status (the status will be Hold), Hold Reason Code, Hold reason Set Code, Hold Until Date.
    • Canceled contracts: You must include Status (the status will be Canceled), Cancel Reason, Cancel reason set code, Cancel date.

You can create an import activity, enter the import details, and schedule the import.

  1. Go to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Import Queue.
  2. Click Create Import Activity in the Manage Imports page.
  3. In the Enter Import Options page, provide a name for the import activity, and select Contract from the Object drop-down list.

Note: In the Advanced Options section, the option Enable High-Volume Import is selected by default. This mode is designed to import millions of records at once.

  1. Select the CSV file in the File Name field, and click Next.
  2. The source and target attributes are automatically mapped in the Map Fields page. Review and edit the mappings if required.
  3. Check the file for unmapped columns or data format issues by clicking Validate Data. Click Next.
  4. Review the import details on the Review and Submit page, and click Submit.