Examples of Making Manager Transfer Related Updates

You can transfer a sales representative or sales manager from the existing manager to a new manager using import management. This new manager might either already exist in the application or be a newly created manager.

You can transfer the resource by changing the resource information such as manager e-mail address or parent organization name.

The following scenarios illustrate the various manager transfer related updates to a resource.

  • Transfer of Sales Representative from the Existing Manager to a Different Manager

  • Transfer of Sales Manager from the Existing VP to a Different VP (With the Entire Organization)

Transfer of Sales Representative from the Existing Manager to a Different Manager

Wu Orozco is a Sales Representative reporting to Frank Gibbs. The reporting hierarchy and organization details of Wu Orozco are as shown in this image:

Original hierarchy before the transfer

In this scenario, Wu is transferred from Frank Gibbs to a different manager, Li Yu, who's already existing in the application. To transfer Wu Orozco from Frank to Li Yu, you must create a source file (CSV) with the attributes and import it using import management as shown in this table.

Attribute Name








You can import the source data file.

  1. Go to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Import Queue.

  2. Click Create Import Activity in the Manage Imports page.

  3. In the Enter Import Options page, provide a name for the import activity, and select Resource from the Object drop-down list.

  4. Select the CSV file in the File Name field, and click Next.

  5. The source and target attributes are automatically mapped in the Map Fields page. Review and edit the mappings if required.

  6. Check the file for unmapped columns or data format issues by clicking Validate Data. Click Next.

    Note: Validation errors, if any, are displayed on the Mapping Validation screen. If you get warnings about unmapped columns, then you can ignore these columns and proceed to submit the import job. Validations are for informational purposes and applicable only for low-volume imports.
  7. Review the import details on the Review and Submit page, and click Submit when you're ready.

You run the scheduled process Reporting Hierarchy Generation to re-generate the resource reporting hierarchy when there is a change in the organization hierarchy. For more information about the Reporting Hierarchy Generation scheduled process, see the section "Reporting Hierarchy Generation" in the Understanding Scheduled Processes guide.

The reporting hierarchy and organization details of Wu Orozco after he has been transferred from Frank Gibbs to Li Yu are as shown in this image:

Hierarchy after the transfer

Transfer of Sales Manager from the Existing VP to a Different VP (With the Entire Organization)

Marsh Tyler is a Sales Manager reporting to Tim May. The reporting hierarchy and organization details of Marsh Tyler are as shown in this image:

Original hierarchy before the transfer

In this scenario, Marsh Tyler is a sales manager and is transferred with his entire organization from Tim May to Pena Schwartz. Pena Schwartz is another vice-president already existing in the application. When Marsh Tyler is transferred, by default, his entire organization moves with him. Therefore, Noble Hooper who reports to Marsh Tyler is also moved along with Marsh. To transfer Marsh from Tim May to Pena Schwartz, you must create a source file (CSV) with the attributes and import it using import management as shown in this table. Provide a value either for the ResourceOrgManagerEmail or the ResourceParentOrganizationName attribute.

Attribute Name








You can import the source data file.

  1. Go to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Import Queue.

  2. Click Create Import Activity in the Manage Imports page.

  3. In the Enter Import Options page, provide a name for the import activity, and select Resource from the Object drop-down list.

  4. Select the CSV file in the File Name field, and click Next.

  5. The source and target attributes are automatically mapped in the Map Fields page. Review and edit the mappings if required.

  6. Check the file for unmapped columns or data format issues by clicking Validate Data. Click Next.

    Note: Validation errors, if any, are displayed on the Mapping Validation screen. If you get warnings about unmapped columns, then you can ignore these columns and proceed to submit the import job. Validations are for informational purposes and applicable only for low-volume imports.
  7. Review the import details on the Review and Submit page, and click Submit when you're ready.

You run the scheduled process Reporting Hierarchy Generation to re-generate the resource reporting hierarchy when there is a change in the organization hierarchy. For more information about the Reporting Hierarchy Generation scheduled process, see the section "Reporting Hierarchy Generation" in the Understanding Scheduled Processes guide.

The reporting hierarchy and organization details of Marsh Tyler after he has been transferred from Tim May to Pena Schwartz are as follows:

Note: The sales representatives reporting to the manager being transferred are moved along with the manager. In this scenario, Noble Hooper who reports to Marsh Tyler is transferred along with Marsh from Tim May to Pena Schwartz as shown in this image.
Hierarchy after the transfer