How do I generate the diagnostics log for import?

The diagnostic log files provide complete information about an import job and its errors. If you have errors in your import job, then provide the diagnostic logs to technical support to help them resolve the issue.

You can generate the diagnostic logs by clicking the Generate button. You can then attach the log files (in ZIP format) to the Service Request (SR). This helps technical support to resolve the issues.

To generate the diagnostic logs for an import:

  1. Click Tools > Import Management.

  2. On the Manage Imports page, click the Name link for your import that has failed.

  3. On the Import Status page, click the Generate Diagnostics button in the Action menu to generate the diagnostics files.

See the Import Attachments section for the link to download the generated files. Click Download under the Actions column to download the file. For more information about the files, click on the details icon.