How do I import activity data?

You can use Import Management to create, update, or delete your activity data.

You can import activity records using these steps:

  1. Map your source activity data to Oracle Applications Cloud object attributes. This way the import process would know where to insert each of the information bits.

  2. Create the source CSV file with the activity data you want to import.

  3. Kick off an import activity.

  4. Check the import results to know if the import went well.

How You Map Your Source Data to Target Object Attributes

You import activity data into Oracle Applications Cloud from a CSV file containing your source data that's mapped to target Oracle Applications Cloud object attributes.

You must do the following before creating the .csv file for data import:

  • Identify how your source data attributes map to the target object attributes in Oracle Applications Cloud.

  • Ensure prerequisite steps are complete, such as understanding what attributes are required for importing your objects.

  • Understand your options for uniquely identifying the records.

  • Ensure parent records exist before importing child records.

  • Identify the target object attributes that are required in the .csv file for a successful import

To better manage your activity information, the activity object has the following child objects:

  • Activity Assignee

  • Activity Contact

  • Activity Objectives

If you want to import only a few records, then you can create a single CSV file for all activity attributes. However if you want to import a large number of records, then you may decide to create multiple CSV files, one for each of the activity child objects. Note that you must have imported the CSV file for activity object successfully before trying to import the CSV files for the child objects. There are separate help topics describing how to import each of these child objects. For more information, see the related topics section.

Before You Start

You must do some basic checks before starting your import. For example, make sure that:

  • You have completed all the prerequisites for importing each attribute in your source data.

  • You have all parent records in place before importing child records.

Select a Unique Identifier for Your Records

All records must be unique in the application. You can use one of these to identify records:

  • Public unique identifiers: If you're creating records, then you can provide an easily understandable public unique identifier. These are, usually, denoted with 'Number' and visible in the business object's UI. PUID attributes are usually named <object> Number. If you're updating a record with a Number attribute, then use the Number attribute to identify the record. For more information about public unique identifiers, see the topic "How You Use Alternate Keys to Import Records" in Related Topics section.

  • Source system and source system reference: Source system is an identifier for the external system, and source system reference is a unique identifier within the external system. If you're importing new activities or are updating activities that have source system reference data, then provide the source system and source system reference values.

Required Attributes and Validations for Activity Object

To import data successfully into Oracle Applications Cloud, your CSV file must include the required attributes. Make sure that you provide valid values for these attributes so that they pass import validations inbuilt into the application.

This table lists the required attributes for activity records, prerequisite setup tasks and specific validations, if any:



Prerequisite Setup Task/ Import Validations

Creating an Activity record

Updating an Existing Activity record


The internal identifier of the account associated with the activity. Examples of account are: customer, organization, person, partner.

The party must exist. You can determine the PartyId of the party by exporting the Party object. To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

Not Required

If during update, you associate the activity with an account party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as AccountId, or the public unique value, such as AccountPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as AccountOrigSystem and OsrAccountId.


The code representing the source system for the account associated with the activity.

The party must exist. Identify the source system code that was used when you imported the party in a prior batch.

Not Required

If during update, you associate the activity with an account party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as AccountId, or the public unique value, such as AccountPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as AccountOrigSystem and OsrAccountId.


The public unique identifier of the account associated with the activity.

The party must exist and be a valid party unique identifier

Not Required

If during update, you associate the activity with an account party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as AccountId, or the public unique value, such as AccountPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as AccountOrigSystem and OsrAccountId.


Indicates explicitly the operation to be performed on a row: INSERT to create a new record in the destination tables, UPDATE to update an existing record in the destination table, DELETE to delete the record.

The valid values are INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. If not provided, record matching is used to determine whether a record is updated (if it already exists) or inserted (if it doesn't exist).

Not Required

To delete a record, you must provide the value as DELETE. It is optional to provide values for insert and update as the framework internally decides the action as INSERT if it's a new record or UPDATE if it's an existing record.


The date and time when an appointment ends or the time when a task is completed.

This must be a valid date and should not be less than the ActivityStartDate.

A value is required if you're creating a new activity having ActivityFunctionCode as APPOINTMENT.



Identifies the activity as an appointment or a task. This attribute is for internal use only and the value is set based on the user's navigation to the activity.


A value is required while creating an activity.

Not Required


The internal identifier of the activity.

Automatically generated by the import process if creating a new activity record.

Not Required

A value is required if you're updating an existing activity and you're not providing other values to identify the activity record.

To update an existing activity, choose one of the following options to identify the record:

  • The unique ID for the record (ActivityId)

  • The activity number (ActivityNumber)

  • The source system code and reference (OrigEntityNumber and OrigEntityCode)


The public unique identifier of the activity. Indicates a default system-generated number for the activity.

If a value is provided while creating a new activity, the value must be unique. For update, you can determine the existing unique value of the object by exporting the Activity object. To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

The table ZMM_ACTY_ACTIVITIES with column ACTIVITY_NUMBER holds the existing value.


A value is required if you're updating an existing activity and you're not providing other values to identify the activity record.

To update or delete an existing activity you must choose one of the following options to identify the record:

  • The unique ID for the record (ActivityId)

  • The activity number (ActivityNumber)

  • The source system code and reference (OrigEntityNumber and OrigEntityCode)


The starting date and time of an appointment or a task. The default value for an appointment is null. The default value for a task is the date and time at which the task is created.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used.

A value is required if you're creating a new activity having ActivityFunctionCode as APPOINTMENT.



The channel through which communication has taken place.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used. If the ActivityFunctionCode is 'APPOINTMENT' and the action is 'INSERT' then the default value is set to 'MEETING'.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value is used from the Activity production table. If the ActivityFunctionCode is APPOINTMENT and the action is INSERT, the default value is set to MEETING.



The internal identifier of the related campaign.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an Activity, if you associate the Activity with a campaign, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as CampaignId, or the public unique value, such as CampaignNumber.

When updating an Activity, if you associate the Activity with a campaign, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as CampaignId, or the public unique value, such as CampaignNumber.


The public unique identifier of the related campaign.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an Activity, if you associate the Activity with a campaign, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as CampaignId, or the public unique value, such as CampaignNumber.

When updating an Activity, if you associate the Activity with a campaign, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as CampaignId, or the public unique value, such as CampaignNumber.


The public unique identifier for claim.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an Activity, if you associate the Activity with a claim, provide either the internal ID, such as claim ID, or the public unique value, such as claim code. Ensure that this is a valid claim code from MKT_BDT_CLAIMS.

Optional. Ensure that this is a valid claim code from MKT_BDT_CLAIMS.


The internal identifier of the claim.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a claim, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as claim ID, or the public unique value, such as claim code. Ensure that this is a valid claim ID from the MKT_BDT_CLAIMS table.

Optional. Ensure that this is a valid claim ID from the MKT_BDT_CLAIMS table.


The corporate currency used by the activity.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value is used from the Assignee production table.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value is used from the Assignee production table.


The rate of currency conversion for an activity.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value is used from the Assignee production table.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value is used from the Assignee production table.


The corporate currency used by the activity.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value is used from the Assignee production table.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value is used from the Assignee production table.


The internal identifier of the customer account related to the activity. It is the sales activity identifier from ZCA_SALES_ACCOUNTS table.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used.

The internal identifier of the customer account related to the activity. It is the sales account identifier from ZCA_SALES_ACCOUNTS table.

This should be a valid sales account identifier from the ZCA_SALES_ACCOUNTS table.


The internal identifier of the related deal registration.

You can determine the public unique value of the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.


When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a deal, you must provide either the internal ID, such as dealId, or the public unique value, such as DealNumber.


When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a deal, you must provide either the internal ID, such as dealId, or the public unique value, such as DealNumber.


The public unique identifier of the deal associated with the activity. The identifier can also be generated from an external source.

You can determine the public unique value of the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.


When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a deal, you must provide either the internal ID, such as dealId, or the public unique value, such as DealNumber.


When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a deal, you must provide either the internal ID, such as dealId, or the public unique value, such as DealNumber.


The internal identifier of the activity resource that delegated activity ownership to another resource.

The party must exist. You can determine the PartyId of the party by exporting the Party object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.


The party must exist. You can determine the PartyId of the party by exporting the Party object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.


The party must exist. You can determine the PartyId of the party by exporting the Party object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.


The source system reference to the delegator of original system identifier.

The party must exist. Identify the source system code that was used when you imported the party in a prior batch.

The party must exist. Identify the source system code that was used when you imported the party in a prior batch.



The direction options for an activity. The options are inbound, outbound, or optional. The default value is null.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used.

This should be a valid lookup code corresponding to ZMM_ACTIVITY_DIRECTION from fnd_lookups.

This should be a valid lookup code corresponding to ZMM_ACTIVITY_DIRECTION from fnd_lookups.


The date the activity is due to be completed.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used.

This should be a valid date.

This should be a valid date


The actual duration of the activity in the appropriate unit of measure.

If no value is provided, then the corresponding value from Activity production table is used. If the ActivityFunctionCode is 'APPOINTMENT' and the Duration is NULL then the default value is the duration of days between the Activity Start Date and the Activity End Date.

This is a derived field. Any value provided is ignored.

This is a derived field. Any value provided is ignored


The internal identifier of the related program enrollment.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a program enrollment, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as EnrollmentId, or the public unique value, such as EnrollmentNumber. This must be a valid value in the ZPM_PROGRAM_ENROLLMENTS table.

If during update, you associate the activity with a program enrollment, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as EnrollmentId, or the public unique value, such as EnrollmentNumber.


The public unique identifier of the related program enrollment.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a program enrollment, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as EnrollmentId, or the public unique value, such as EnrollmentNumber. This must be a valid value in the ZPM_PROGRAM_ENROLLMENTS table.

If during update, you associate the activity with a program enrollment, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as EnrollmentId, or the public unique value, such as EnrollmentNumber.


The foreign key to FUND_REQUEST_CODE of the MKT_BDT_FUND_REQUESTS table.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a fund request, you must provide either the internal ID, such as FundRequestId, or the public unique value, such as FundRequestCode. This must be a valid value in the MKT_BDT_FUND_REQUESTS table.

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a fund request, you must provide either the internal ID, such as FundRequestId, or the public unique value, such as FundRequestCode. This must be a valid value in the MKT_BDT_FUND_REQUESTS table.


The internal identifier of the fund request.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a fund request, you must provide either the internal ID, such as FundRequestId, or the public unique value, such as FundRequestCode. This must be a valid value in the MKT_BDT_FUND_REQUESTS table.

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a fund request, you must provide either the internal ID, such as FundRequestId, or the public unique value, such as FundRequestCode. This must be a valid value in the MKT_BDT_FUND_REQUESTS table.


The internal identifier of the related lead.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a lead, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as LeadId, or the public unique value, such as LeadNumber. Must be valid in the MKL_LM_LEADS table.

If during update, you associate the activity with a lead, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as LeadId, or the public unique value, such as LeadNumber.


The public unique identifier of the related lead.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a lead, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as LeadId, or the public unique value, such as LeadNumber. Must be valid in the MKL_LM_LEADS table.

If during update, you associate the activity with a lead, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as LeadId, or the public unique value, such as LeadNumber.


The internal identifier of the objective.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a sales objective, you must provide either the internal ID, such as ObjectiveId, or the public unique value, such as ObjectiveNumber. It must be a valid value in the ZCA_OBJECTIVES table.

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a sales objective, you must provide either the internal ID, such as ObjectiveId, or the public unique value, such as ObjectiveNumber. It must be a valid value in the ZCA_OBJECTIVES table.


The public unique identifier of the related objective.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a sales objective, you must provide either the internal ID, such as ObjectiveId, or the public unique value, such as ObjectiveNumber. It must be a valid value in the ZCA_OBJECTIVES table.

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a sales objective, you must provide either the internal ID, such as ObjectiveId, or the public unique value, such as ObjectiveNumber. It must be a valid value in the ZCA_OBJECTIVES table.


The internal identifier of the related opportunity.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with an opportunity, you must provide either the internal ID, such as OpportunityId, or the public unique value, such as OpportunityNumber. This must be a valid value in the MOO_OPTY table.

If during update, you associate the activity with an opportunity, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as OpportunityId, or the public unique value, such as OpportunityNumber.


The internal identifier of the related opportunity.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with an opportunity, you must provide either the internal ID, such as OpportunityId, or the public unique value, such as OpportunityNumber. This must be a valid value in the MOO_OPTY table.

If during update, you associate the activity with an opportunity, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as OpportunityId, or the public unique value, such as OpportunityNumber.


The code indicating the original source of the record.

Valid values for upgraded records are TASK, APPOINTMENT, or INTERACTION.

If the record was created in the Activity Management component, the value is ACTIVITY.

Valid values for upgraded records are TASK, APPOINTMENT, or INTERACTION.

If the record was created in the Activity Management component, the value is ACTIVITY.

One of the following must be provided while updating an activity:

  • ActivityId

  • ActivityNumber

  • Combination of OrigEntityNumber and OrigEntityCode


The original unique identifier of the existing task, appointment, or interaction in the source system.

If the internal action code is 'INSERT' and OrigEntityNumber and ActivityNumber are NULL then it's defaulted to the provided value. If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used.

If the internal action code is "INSERT" and OrigEntityNumber and ActivityNumber are NULL, it's defaulted to the provided value.

One of the following must be provided while updating an activity:

  • ActivityId

  • ActivityNumber

  • Combination of OrigEntityNumber and OrigEntityCode


The internal identifier (reference number or text) of the account party in the original source system.

The party must exist. You can determine the Original System Reference for the party by exporting the Party object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.


When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with an account party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as AccountId, or the public unique value, such as AccountPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as AccountOrigSystem and OsrAccountId

If during update, you associate the activity with an account party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as AccountId, or the public unique value, such as AccountPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as AccountOrigSystem and OsrAccountId.


The source system reference to the Delegator ID.

The party must exist. You can determine the Original System Reference for the party by exporting the Party object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.


The party must exist. You can determine the Original System Reference for the party by exporting the Party object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.


The party must exist. You can determine the Original System Reference for the party by exporting the Party object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.


The internal identifier (reference number or text) of the person who owns the activity in the original source system.

The party must exist. You can determine the Original System Reference for party by exporting the Party object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

One of the following must be provided while creating an activity:

  • OwnerId

  • OwnerResourceNumber

  • Combination of OwnerOrigSystem and OsrOwnerId

The party must exist. You can determine the Original System Reference for the party by exporting the Party object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.


The internal identifier (reference number or text) of the contact party in the original source system.

The party must exist. You can determine the Original System Reference for the party by exporting the Party object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.


When creating the activity, if you associate the activity with a contact party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as PrimaryContactId, or the public unique value, such as PrimaryContactPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as PrimaryContactOrigSystem and OsrPrimaryContactId.

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a contact party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as PrimaryContactId, or the public unique value, such as PrimaryContactPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as PrimaryContactOrigSystem and OsrPrimaryContactId.


The internal identifier (reference number or text) of the customer in the original source system.

The party must exist. You can determine the Original System Reference for the party by exporting the Party object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an activity, you associate the activity with a referenced customer party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as ReferenceCustomerId, or the public unique value, such as RefCustPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as RefCustOrigSystem and OsrReferenceCustomerId.

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a referenced customer party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as ReferenceCustomerId, or the public unique value, such as RefCustPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as RefCustOrigSystem and OsrReferenceCustomerId.


Indicates whether the activity is created in Outlook. If the value is Y, then the activity is created in Outlook and synchronized.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used. If the ActivityFunctionCode is 'APPOINTMENT' and the Action is 'INSERT' then the value is set to 'N'.

If the ActivityFunctionCode is APPOINTMENT and the action is INSERT, the value is set to N. Possible values are Y and N.


Possible values are Y and N.


The internal identifier of the activity owner. The owner has to be an existing party (person) in system.

The party must exist. You can determine the PartyId of a person by exporting the Party object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

Provide one of the following while creating an activity:

(OwnerId, OwnerResourceNumber, or a combination of OwnerOrigSystem and OsrOwnerId)


Provide one of the following while updating an activity:

(OwnerId, OwnerResourceNumber, or a combination of OwnerOrigSystem and OsrOwnerId)


The code representing the source system for the party (person) who owns the activity.

The party must exist. You can determine the PartyId of a person by exporting the Party object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

Provide one of the following while creating an activity:

(OwnerId, OwnerResourceNumber, or a combination of OwnerOrigSystem and OsrOwnerId)


Provide one of the following while updating an activity:

(OwnerId, OwnerResourceNumber, or a combination of OwnerOrigSystem and OsrOwnerId)


The public unique identifier of the party (person) who owns the activity.

The party must exist. You can determine the PartyId of a person by exporting the Party object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

Provide one of the following while creating an activity:

(OwnerId, OwnerResourceNumber, or a combination of OwnerOrigSystem and OsrOwnerId)


Provide one of the following while updating an activity:

(OwnerId, OwnerResourceNumber, or a combination of OwnerOrigSystem and OsrOwnerId)


The related activity identifier and only applicable if the record is a follow up activity.

Conditionally Required only for follow-up activity. One of the following options to identify the parent record must be provided:

  • The unique ID for the ParentActivityId.

  • The parent activity number (ParentActivityNumber)

  • The source system code and source reference code (ParentOrigEntityNumber and ParentOrigEntityCode)

A value is required if you're creating a follow-up activity. While creating an activity, choose one of the following options to identify the record:

  • The unique ID for the ParentActivityId.

  • The parent activity number (ParentActivityNumber)

  • The source system code and source reference code (ParentOrigEntityNumber and ParentOrigEntityCode)


While updating an activity, choose one of the following options to identify the record:

The unique ID for the ParentActivityId.

The parent activity number (ParentActivityNumber).

The source system code and source reference code (ParentOrigEntityNumber and ParentOrigEntityCode).


The public unique identifier of the related activity and only applicable if the record is a follow up activity.

Conditionally Required only for follow-up activity. One of the following options to identify the parent record must be provided:

  • The unique ID for the record (ParentActivityId)

  • The parent activity number (ParentActivityNumber)

  • The source system code and source reference code (ParentOrigEntityNumber and ParentOrigEntityCode)

A value is required if you're creating a follow-up activity. While creating an activity, choose one of the following options to identify the record:

  • The unique ID for the record (ParentActivityId)

  • The parent activity number (ParentActivityNumber)

  • The source system code and source reference code (ParentOrigEntityNumber and ParentOrigEntityCode)


While updating an activity, choose one of the following options to identify the record:

The unique ID for the record (ParentActivityId).

The parent activity number (ParentActivityNumber).

The source system code and source reference code (ParentOrigEntityNumber and ParentOrigEntityCode).


The source of the activity record that indicating whether it's coming from Task entity, Interaction entity, or Appointment entity.

Conditionally Required only for follow-up activity. One of the following options to identify the parent record must be provided:

  • The unique ID for the record (ParentActivityId)

  • The parent activity number (ParentActivityNumber)

  • The source system code and source reference code (ParentOrigEntityNumber and ParentOrigEntityCode)

A value is required if you're creating a follow-up activity. While creating an activity, choose one of the following options to identify the record:

  • The unique ID for the record (ParentActivityId)

  • The parent activity number (ParentActivityNumber)

  • The source system code and source reference code (ParentOrigEntityNumber and ParentOrigEntityCode)


While updating an activity, choose one of the following options to identify the record:

The unique ID for the record (ParentActivityId).

The parent activity number (ParentActivityNumber).

The source system code and source reference code (ParentOrigEntityNumber and ParentOrigEntityCode)


The entity number of the parent entity in the original system to which the activity is related

Conditionally Required only for follow-up activity. One of the following options to identify the parent record must be provided:

  • The unique ID for the record (ParentActivityId)

  • The parent activity number (ParentActivityNumber)

  • The source system code and source reference code (ParentOrigEntityNumber and ParentOrigEntityCode)

A value is required if you're creating a follow-up activity. While creating an activity, choose one of the following options to identify the record:

  • The unique ID for the record (ParentActivityId)

  • The parent activity number (ParentActivityNumber)

  • The source system code and source reference code (ParentOrigEntityNumber and ParentOrigEntityCode)


While updating an activity, choose one of the following options to identify the record:

The unique ID for the record (ParentActivityId).

The parent activity number (ParentActivityNumber).

The source system code and source reference code (ParentOrigEntityNumber and ParentOrigEntityCode).


The internal identifier of the related partner program.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

For partner programs, export the Program Enrollments object.

When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a partner program, you must provide either the internal ID, such as PartnerProgramId, or the public unique value, such as PartnerProgramNumber.

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a partner program, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as PartnerProgramId, or the public unique value, such as PartnerProgramNumber.


The public unique identifier of the related partner program.

You can determine the public unique value of the object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

For Partner programs, export the Program Enrollments object.

When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a partner program, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as PartnerProgramId, or the public unique value, such as PartnerProgramNumber.

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a partner program, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as PartnerProgramId, or the public unique value, such as PartnerProgramNumber.


The internal identifier of the activity contact.

The party must exist. You can determine the PartyId of the party by exporting the Party object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used.


When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a contact party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as PrimaryContactId, or the public unique value, such as PrimaryContactPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as PrimaryContactOrigSystem and OsrPrimaryContactId.

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a contact party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as PrimaryContactId, or the public unique value, such as PrimaryContactPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as PrimaryContactOrigSystem and OsrPrimaryContactId.


The code representing the source system for the activity contact.

The party must exist. Identify the source system code that was used when you imported the party in a prior batch. You can determine existing source system codes and create new ones.

Navigate to the following in the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  • Offering: Sales

  • Functional Area: Data Import and Export

  • Task: Manage Trading Community Source Systems


When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a contact party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as PrimaryContactId, or the public unique value, such as PrimaryContactPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as PrimaryContactOrigSystem and OsrPrimaryContactId.

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a contact party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as PrimaryContactId, or the public unique value, such as PrimaryContactPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as PrimaryContactOrigSystem and OsrPrimaryContactId.


The public unique identifier of the activity contact.

The party must exist. You can determine the PartyNumber of a party by exporting either the Person object or the Organization object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.


When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a contact party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as PrimaryContactId, or the public unique value, such as PrimaryContactPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as PrimaryContactOrigSystem and OsrPrimaryContactId.

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a contact party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as PrimaryContactId, or the public unique value, such as PrimaryContactPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as PrimaryContactOrigSystem and OsrPrimaryContactId.


The priority of the activity. The default value is 2. The possible values are 1, 2, 3.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used.

Not required

The default value is 2 (Medium). To change this value during create, you must pass this value. Valid values are 1, 2, and 3

When updating an activity, if you must modify the priority of an Activity, provide a valid value for PriorityCode.


Indicates whether the activity is private.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used.


When creating an Activity, if you must mark an Activity as private, set this variable to 'Y'.

When updating an activity, if you must mark an Activity as private, set this variable to 'Y'.


The entity number of the recurring appointment in the original system, to which this activity is related

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used.

A value is required if you're creating a recurring activity (appointment). While creating an activity, choose one of the following options to identify the record:

  • The unique ID for the record (RecurSeriesId)

  • The recurring series activity number (RecurSeriesActivityNumber)

  • The entity number of the recurring appointment in the original system, to which this activity is related (RecurSerOrigEntityNumber)



The activity number of an instance of a series.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used.

A value is required if you're creating a recurring activity (appointment). While creating an activity, choose one of the following options to identify the record:

  • The unique ID for the record (RecurSeriesId)

  • The recurring series activity number (RecurSeriesActivityNumber)

  • The entity number of the recurring appointment in the original system, to which this activity is related (RecurSerOrigEntityNumber)



The internal identifier for the series that links instances of a series together.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used.

A value is required if you're creating a recurring activity (appointment). While creating an activity, choose one of the following options to identify the record:

  • The unique ID for the record (RecurSeriesId)

  • The recurring series activity number (RecurSeriesActivityNumber)

  • The entity number of the recurring appointment in the original system, to which this activity is related (RecurSerOrigEntityNumber)



The activity that recurs on every weekday such as Monday to Sunday, Weekday, Weekend, and so on.

If no value is provided, the corresponding value from Activity production table is used.

Conditionally required for a weekly recurring appointment. Must be a valid value from ZMM_ACTIVITY_RECUR_DAYWEEK_CD lookup.

Conditionally required for a weekly recurring appointment. Must be a valid value from ZMM_ACTIVITY_RECUR_DAYWEEK_CD lookup.


The source system code for the reference customer.

The party must exist. Identify the source system code that was used when you imported the party in a prior batch. You can determine existing source system codes and create new ones.

Navigate to the following in the Setup and Maintenance work area:.

  • Offering: Sales

  • Functional Area: Data Import and Export

  • Task: Manage Trading Community Source Systems

The party must exist. Identify the source system code that was used when you imported the party in a prior batch. You can determine existing source system codes and create new ones.

Navigate to the following in the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  • Offering: Sales

  • Functional Area: Data Import and Export

  • Task: Manage Trading Community Source Systems

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a referenced customer party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as ReferenceCustomerId, or the public unique value, such as RefCustPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as RefCustOrigSystem and OsrReferenceCustomerId.


The public unique identifier of the reference customer who's associated with the activity.

The party must exist. Identify the source system code that was used when you imported the party in a prior batch. You can determine existing source system codes and create new ones.

Navigate to the following in the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  • Offering: Sales

  • Functional Area: Data Import and Export

  • Task: Manage Trading Community Source Systems

The party must exist. Identify the source system code that was used when you imported the party in a prior batch. You can determine existing source system codes and create new ones.

Navigate to the following in the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  • Offering: Sales

  • Functional Area: Data Import and Export

  • Task: Manage Trading Community Source Systems

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a referenced customer party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as ReferenceCustomerId, or the public unique value, such as RefCustPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as RefCustOrigSystem and OsrReferenceCustomerId.


The internal identifier of the reference customer who's associated with the activity.

The party must exist. Identify the source system code that was used when you imported the party in a prior batch. You can determine existing source system codes and create new ones.

Navigate to the following in the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  • Offering: Sales

  • Functional Area: Data Import and Export

  • Task: Manage Trading Community Source Systems

The party must exist. Identify the source system code that was used when you imported the party in a prior batch. You can determine existing source system codes and create new ones.

Navigate to the following in the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  • Offering: Sales

  • Functional Area: Data Import and Export

  • Task: Manage Trading Community Source Systems

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a referenced customer party, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as ReferenceCustomerId, or the public unique value, such as RefCustPartyNumber, or the combination of original system and original system reference, such as RefCustOrigSystem and OsrReferenceCustomerId.


The foreign key to SR_ID in the SVC_SERVICE_REQUESTS table.

You can determine the public unique value of this object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a service request, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as SrId, or the public unique value, such as SrNumber. This must be a valid value in SVC_SERVICE_REQUESTS.

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a service request, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as SrId, or the public unique value, such as SrNumber. This must be a valid value in SVC_SERVICE_REQUESTS.


The foreign key to SR_NUMBER in the SVC_SERVICE_REQUESTS table.

You can determine the public unique value of this object by exporting the object.

To export, navigate to Tools > Export Management > Create Export Activity.

When creating an activity, if you associate the activity with a service request, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as SrId, or the public unique value, such as SrNumber. This must be a valid value in SVC_SERVICE_REQUESTS.

When updating an activity, if you associate the activity with a service request, then you must provide either the internal ID, such as SrId, or the public unique value, such as SrNumber. This must be a valid value in SVC_SERVICE_REQUESTS.


The status of the activity. The default value is Not Started.

If no value is provided, the default is NOT_STARTED. The lookup Type used is ZMM_ACTIVITY_STATUS_CD.

If no value is provided, the default is NOT_STARTED. The lookup Type used is ZMM_ACTIVITY_STATUS_CD.


The lookup Type used is ZMM_ACTIVITY_STATUS_CD.


The unique subject, name, or title of the activity.

No validation

A value is required if you're creating a new activity.

Not Required


The user who submitted the call report.

Conditionally required for a call report in Submitted status.

Conditionally required for a call report in Submitted status.

It must be a valid value in the HZ_PARTIES table.


Conditionally required for a call report in Submitted status.

It must be a valid value in the HZ_PARTIES table.


The date and time when the call report was submitted.


Conditionally required for a call report in Submitted status. This must be a valid date.

Conditionally required for a call report in Submitted status. This must be a valid date.

Go to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Import Objects, to see all the attributes of the activity object. The page also lists attribute information like type, length, description, and so on.

Create the Source CSV File

You include the data that you want to import into Sales and Fusion Service in a source CSV file.

You can use the templates available in the Import Objects UI page to create the source CSV file. To download a template:

  1. Go to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Import Objects.

  2. Select the Activity object in the table and click Download.

You can now edit the downloaded file and provide valid values for the required attributes.

Note: For help in populating the CSV file and to avoid any issues in entering values, see the topic Potential Issues When Opening CSV Files With Excel in Related Topics section.

Create the Import Activity

After you have the CSV file ready, create an import activity to import the activity information. To create an import activity:

  1. Go to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Import Queue.

  2. Click Create Import Activity in the Manage Imports page.

  3. In the Enter Import Options page, provide a name for the import activity, and select Activity from the Object drop-down list.

  4. Select the CSV file in the File Name field, and click Next.

  5. You would see that the source and target attributes are automatically mapped in the Map Fields page. Review and edit the mappings if required.

  6. Check the file for unmapped columns or data format issues by clicking Validate Data. Click Next.

  7. Review the import details on the Review and Submit page, and click Submit when you're ready.

Review the Import Results

Check if your import succeeded on the Manage Imports page. This page shows the status of all active, completed, and unsuccessful imports. To check the status of the import activity:

  1. Go to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Import Queue.

  2. Click All Imports and search for the import activity that you created earlier.

  3. Check the Status column for the import activity. The import is successful if the status displays as Completed. You can drill down on the import activity to go to the Import Status page which provides the status details of the import activity.