Import Your Plan Component Data

You can use Import Management to create and update Plan Component records.

To import Plan Component records, perform the following tasks:
  1. Map your source data to Oracle Applications Cloud object attributes.
  2. Create source Comma Separated Values (CSV) file for import.
  3. Create the import activity.
  4. Review the import results.

How You Map Your Source Data to Target Object Attributes

To import your Plan Component data into Oracle Applications Cloud, you need to populate a CSV file with your source data and map that source data to target object attributes in Oracle Applications Cloud.

You must do the following before creating the CSV file for data import:

  • Identify how your source data attributes map to the target object attributes in Oracle Applications Cloud.

  • Ensure prerequisite steps are complete, if applicable.

  • Understand your options for uniquely identifying the records.

  • Ensure parent records exist before importing child records.

  • Identify the target object attributes that are required in the CSV file for a successful import.

Before You Start

You must do some basic checks before starting your import. For example, make sure that:

  • You have completed all the prerequisites for importing each attribute in your source data.

  • You have all parent records in place before importing child records.

Select a Unique Identifier for Your Records

All records must be unique in the application. You can use the public unique identifier to identify records. If you're creating records, then you can provide an easily understandable public unique identifier. These are, usually, denoted with 'Number' and visible in the business object's UI. PUID attributes are usually named <object> Number. If you're updating a record with a Number attribute, then use the Number attribute to identify the record. For more information about public unique identifiers, see the topic "How You Use Alternate Keys to Import Records" in Related Topics section.

Required Attributes and Validations for the Plan Component Object

To import data successfully into Oracle Applications Cloud, your CSV file must include the required attributes. Ensure that you provide valid values for the attributes.

This table lists the required attributes for creating and updating Plan Component records, prerequisite setup tasks for the attributes, and specific validations, if any, for Plan Component records import:



Prerequisite Setup Task/ Import Validations

Creating a Plan Component Record

Updating an Existing Plan Component Record


The unique identifier of the plan component generated internally.


Not Required



Name of the plan component.



Not Required


The nature of the plan component calculating per event or per interval.

Possible values include COMMISSION for per event, and BONUS for per interval. A list of acceptable values is defined in the lookup CN_PLAN_INCENTIVE_TYPE.


Not Required


The unique ID of the business unit to which the plan component belongs.

Must be a valid business unit ID.




The attribute used to classify earnings into monetary and nonmonetary categories.

The attribute used to classify earnings into monetary and nonmonetary categories.


The date on which the plan component becomes active.

Must be a valid date.


Not Required


The date on which the plan component becomes inactive.

Must be a valid date.


Not Required


The attribute repesenting incentive type, such as bonus or commission

Possible values include BONUS, COMMISSION, and STANDARD. A list of acceptable values is defined in the lookup CN_REPORT_GROUP.


Indicates whether the plan component is ready for calculation.

Possible values include COMPLETE for valid and ready for calculation and INCOMPLETE for not valid and not ready for calculation. The default value is INCOMPLETE. A list of acceptable values is defined in the lookup CN_FORMULA_STATUS.


The description of the plan component.


Not Required

Not Required


The phase in which the application considers plan component for calculation. Two supported phases: Phase 1 and Phase 2.

Possible values include 1 and 2.The default value is 1. A list of acceptable values is defined in the lookup CN_CALCULATION_PHASE.


The payment plan category which is used to allocate payment adjustments from a participant's payment plan among plan components.

Possible values include BONUS , COMMISSION , GUARANTEE , and STANDARD which is a generic term applied to any plan component used for determining payment plan adjustments. The default value is STANDARD. A list of acceptable values is defined in the lookup CN_PAYMENT_PLAN_CATEGORY.


Indicates whether the payment for this plan component can be made through other resources.

Possible values include N or FALSE and Y or TRUE. The default value is FALSE. A list of acceptable values is defined in the lookup CN_YES_NO.


The name of the plan component that is displayed on the sales representative's user interface.


Not Required

Not Required


Indicates how to split the input number to a rate table dimension.

Possible values include NONE to apply a single rate for the entire attainment, NON_PROPORTIONAL to apply multiple rates, which are fixed for an attainment within a tier, PROPORTIONAL to apply multiple rates, which are proportional for an attainment within a tier, and PROPORTIONAL_WITH_THRESHOLD which is proportional only after the first threshold tier. The default value is NONE. A list of acceptable values is defined in the lookup CN_SPLIT_TYPE_OPTION.

Not Required

Not Required

You can view the Plan Component object and its attributes in the Manage Import Objects page of the Import Management flow. You can find attribute information like type, length, description, and so on, on this page.

Create the Source CSV File

You include the data that you want to import into Sales and Fusion Service in a source CSV file.

You can use the templates available in the Import Objects UI page to create the source CSV file. To download a template:

  1. Go to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Import Objects.

  2. Select the Plan Component object in the table and click Download.

You can now edit the downloaded file and provide valid values for the required attributes.

Note: For help in populating the CSV file and to avoid any issues in entering values, see the topic Potential Issues When Opening CSV Files With Excel in Related Topics section.

Create the Import Activity

After you have the CSV file ready, create an import activity to import the information. To create an import activity:

  1. Go to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Import Queue.

  2. Click Create Import Activity in the Manage Imports page.

  3. In the Enter Import Options page, provide a name for the import activity, and select Compenstation Plan Component from the Object drop-down list.

  4. Select the CSV file in the File Name field, and click Next.

  5. You would see that the source and target attributes are automatically mapped in the Map Fields page. Review and edit the mappings if required.

  6. Check the file for unmapped columns or data format issues by clicking Validate Data. Click Next.

  7. Review the import details on the Review and Submit page, and click Submit when you're ready.

Review the Import Results

Check if your import succeeded on the Manage Imports page. This page shows the status of all active, completed, and unsuccessful imports. To check the status of the import activity:

  1. Go to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Import Queue.

  2. Click All Imports and search for the import activity that you created earlier.

  3. Check the Status column for the import activity. The import is successful if the status displays as Completed. You can drill down on the import activity to go to the Import Status page which provides the status details of the import activity.