Manage Import Mappings

Import Mappings map your source data to the fields in the Oracle Applications database. You can reuse existing mappings by editing them. Also, you can download an existing import mapping from one Oracle application instance and upload the mapping into another Oracle application instance.

Copy and Modify a Mapping

To copy or modify a mapping:

  1. Click Tools > Import Management > Import Objects.

  2. In the Import Object Details section, choose the Object name for which you need the template.

    Click the link under Display Name column to get to the Manage Mapping page.

  3. Click the link under the Mapping Number column.

  4. On the Edit Import Mapping page, select the Copy Import Mapping option from the Actions menu. Edit the mapping by dragging the target attributes to the Attribute Display Name field under Source File section.

  5. Add more attributes by clicking the Add Column button.

  6. Once done, give a name for the mapping and click Save.

    If you don't want the mapping that you see on the list, select Delete Import Mapping from the Actions menu.

Download the Map File

To download a map file:

  1. Click Tools > Import Management > Import Objects.

  2. In the Import Object Details section, click the Object name link for which you need the template.

  3. Click the link under the Mapping Number column for the required mapping.

  4. On the Edit Import Mapping page, select Download Map from the Actions menu.

    When prompted, save the file to a location.

Upload the Map File

To upload a map file:

  1. Click Tools > Import Management > Import Objects.

  2. In the Import Object Details section, click the Object name link for which you need the template.

  3. On the Manage Mapping page, click the Upload Map button. Select a map file and click OK.

  4. On the Edit Import Mapping page, give a name and save the mapping.

Download the Import Object Templates

Import Templates give you an idea about the object attributes. Most attributes in the templates include example values that help you know what value to provide in the import file. To download an import object template:

  1. Click Tools > Import Management > Import Objects.

  2. In the Import Object Details section, click the Object name link for which you need the template.

  3. On the Manage Mapping page, click the link in the Mapping Number column for the required mapping.

  4. On the Edit Import Mapping page, select Download Template option from the Actions menu.

For more information on how to import your data, see the object-specific import topics in the chapter Import Your Data. These topics are titled Import Your <Object-Name> Data. They provide the following information about importing data:

  • How to map your source data to Oracle Applications Cloud object attributes. This way the import process would know where to insert each of the information bits.

  • Required attributes and validations for the object.

  • How to create the source CSV file with the data you want to import.

  • How to kick off an import activity.

  • How to check the import results to know if the import went well.