Configure the Opportunity Standard Object

Create a new sandbox for configuring the Opportunity standard object, using the procedure in the Create and Activate Unified Sandboxes topic.

Adding Fields

Add the fields shown in the following table to the Opportunity standard object, using the procedure Adding Fields to a Standard Object from the Configuring Standard Objects topic.


Sales Document Status Field

Field Type


Display Label

Sales Document Status

Display Type

Simple Text Box




Updateable (Constraint Expression: false)

Maximum length


Default Value


Creating Global Functions

Create functions from the following Groovy files, using the procedure in the Creating Global Functions topic.

  • O_INT_EBS_CreateContact.groovy

  • O_INT_EBS_IsMatchedContact.groovy

  • O_INT_EBS_SearchContact.groovy

Creating Object Functions

Create functions from the following Groovy files, using the procedure in the Creating Object Functions topic.

  • O_INT_EBS_CreateQuote.groovy

  • O_INT_EBS_OpptyQuoteURL.groovy

  • O_INT_EBS_SearchContactAndCreateXref.groovy

  • O_INT_EBS_SyncPrimaryContact.groovy

Creating the Action

Add the Create Quote action shown in the following table to the Opportunity object, using the procedure Adding Actions and Links to an Object from the Configuring Standard Objects topic.



Display Label

Create Quote






Leave blank.



Method Name


Creating Triggers

Create a trigger from the O_INT_CleanUpStatusTrigger.groovy file using the procedure Creating Triggers from the Configuring Standard Objects topic .

Configuring Pages

You modify pages for the Opportunity object in the Application Composer. To configure pages for the Opportunity standard object do the following:

  1. Click Navigator, and select Application Composer.

  2. Expand the Opportunity node from the Standard Objects list.

  3. Click Pages.

  4. In the Details Page Layouts area, select Standard Layout, and then click the Duplicate Layout icon.

  5. In the Duplicate Layout dialog box, enter the following name for the duplicate layout: Integration Layout, and make sure that Standard Layout is listed as the Source Layout.

  6. Click Save and Edit.

  7. In the Details Layout: Integration Layout page, click the Edit icon (pencil).

  8. On the Details Layout: Integration Layout: Buttons and Actions page, move Create Quote from the Available Buttons list to the Selected Buttons list, and then click Save and Close.

  9. In the Details Layout: Integration Layout page, in the Subtabs Region area, click the Edit (pencil) icon.

  10. Move Sales Document Status from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list, and then click Save and Close.

  11. In the Configure Detail Form: Buttons and Actions area, move Create_Quote to the Selected Buttons area, and then click Save and Close.

  12. In the Subtabs Region area, click the Add icon to add a new subtab.

  13. In the Create Subtab page, select Web Content and click Next.

  14. In the Create Subtab: Web Content page, enter the information in the following table, and when finished, click Save and Close.



    Display Label




    URL Definition


    Display icon.

    An icon is selected by default. Click Change Icon if needed.

Validating and Publishing the Sandbox

Validate and publish the sandbox for the Opportunity standard object, using the procedures in the Publish Unified Sandboxes topic.