Sales - CRM Customer Overview


This subject area provides information on the Customers/Accounts created in the system and all comprehensive customer analysis across the sales process including leads, pipeline revenues, sales cycles, win/loss, and activities.

The Contact and Employee dimension refers to the primary contact and employees only.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

Job Roles

The following job roles secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:

Primary Navigation

Navigator > Sales > Account

Time Reporting


Time dimension is linked to Sales - CRM Customer Overview.CRM Customers."Customer"."Creation Date".

Transactional Grain

This subject area returns the data at multiple grains

a) Activity Facts: Provides information at the grain of Customer Activity

b) Lead Fact: Provides information at the grain of Customer Lead

c) Pipeline Detail Fact: Provides information at the grain of Customer - Opportunity Revenue line

d) Pipeline Fact: Provides information at the grain of Customer-Opportunity

e) Sales Account Fact: Provides information at the grain of Sales Account

f) Sales Cycle Fact: Provides information at the grain of Customer-Opportunity

g) Win Loss Fact: Provides information at the grain of Customer-Opportunity

Special Considerations

By default, the implicit fact table for this subject area is the Pipeline fact. This means that in the absence of any metric, a report would include only such customer and other data that are associated with opportunity transactions. If you add the Fact from this subject area called # of sales accounts the query will return all sales accounts with every party status. To build a report to show only active sales accounts, an explicit filter needs to be added to the report to define Party Status = 'A' for active.