Sales - CRM Historical Pipeline


This subject area enables you to track and report on historical pipeline revenue numbers and opportunity transitions in the context of key business objects such as Customer/Account, Opportunity, Sales Resource, Product, and Territory.

Although this subject area is similar to the Sales - CRM Pipeline Subject Area, the Pipeline subject area is used for current state analysis of revenues, whereas the Historical Pipeline subject area is used for analyzing historical trends in pipeline revenue.

Both summary and detail historical pipeline revenue metrics are supported. Historical pipeline analysis is always with respect to Pipeline Snapshot Date/Period/Quarter/Year. Note that Enterprise Calendar is only supported for Snapshot time.

The dimension entities for snapshot for historical analysis are Opportunity (via Historical Opportunity) and Revenue (via Historical Revenue).

Except as just noted, all dimensions - such as Product, Territory, Sales Resource, and so on, represent current state. Any historical pipeline metrics analyzed in this context show current data for the dimensions.

For example, a report showing sales resource hierarchy and 'open opportunity line revenue' across a range of past snapshot dates, would show historical revenue numbers against present hierarchy.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

Job Roles

The following job roles secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:

Primary Navigation

Navigator > Sales - Opportunities

Time Reporting


Time dimension is linked to "Sales - CRM Pipeline"."Opportunity"."Created Date".

Transactional Grain

This subject area returns the data at multiple grains

a) Historical Pipeline Facts: Provides information at the grain of an Opportunity

b) Historical Pipeline Details Facts: Provides information at the grain of an Opportunity Revenue Line

Special Considerations

In order to use this subject area, it is advised to run Generate Sales Historical Snapshots ESS schedule process. Although this process runs automatically, before you run a report that uses this subject area you might want to run this ESS job before you report on snapshots to ensure you have the most recent snapshot data capture. The dimension entities that are snapshot for historical analysis are Opportunity (via Historical Opportunity) and Revenue (via Historical Revenue). There are both Opportunity/Historical Opportunity and Revenue/Historical Revenue. By default, the implicit fact table for this subject area is the Pipeline fact. This means that in the absence of any metric, a report would return data at the Opportunity level. When the ESS job is run, the snapshot data is captured by the parameters in the profile option MOO_MANAGE_SALES_HISTORICAL_SNAPSHOT_CONFIGURATION. The retention values set for this profile are C=120,D=120,W=58,M=14,Q=5. A snapshot qualifies as a weekly snapshot if it collected in the last day of the week. A snapshot collected on the last day of the month qualifies as a monthly snapshot if it is collected on the last day of the month. And finally, a snapshot collected on the last days of the fiscal quarter qualifies as a quarterly snapshot. If you run reports that use this subject area with time periods that fall on random days, that is, days that don't fall on end of week, end of month, or end of quarter then it is considered a daily snapshot. By default the daily snapshot retention period is configured in the profile MOO_MANAGE_SALES_HISTORICAL_SNAPSHOT_CONFIGURATION to retain data for 120 days. If you are running daily snapshots and you want an extended daily time period you should change the profile daily (D) values.