Sales - CRM Primary Contact Contact Point


This Subject Area is designed to support reporting of all contact point information (i.e. email's, phone numbers, URL) only for primary contacts. For cross subject area queries, this Subject Area can be joined with other subject areas where the contact dimension points to the primary contact.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

Job Roles

The following job roles secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:

Primary Navigation

Navigator > Sales > Contacts

Time Reporting


Time dimension is linked to n/a.

Transactional Grain

Contact Point

Special Considerations

1. This subject area supports contact point information for primary contact only. Contact point information for all contacts, including both primary contact and non-primary contacts, is supported by separate subject area Sales - CRM All Contacts Contact Point. 2. Contact points supported in this subject area do not include physical address. Other contact points are supported however, such as email address, phone number and URL.