Service - CRM Survey Responses Real Time


Once a service request is closed, a survey is sent out to the SR's primary customer contact to respond with their feedback on various aspects of the service experience such as issue resolution, timeliness and agent knowledge and responsiveness. This subject area makes it possible to build insightful reports that help obtain a summarized view of survey responses for the specific questions in a survey. The aggregated response measures serve as a barometer for Service Managers and Executives to gauge how well the team and service organization have been successful in meeting their customer expectations. A comparison of survey response measures across customer regions, products, teams, service categories and other service organizational entities helps in identifying areas for improvements.

Note: The subject area can be used for both service and employee help desk survey reporting

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

Job Roles

The following job roles secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:

Primary Navigation

Navigator > Service > Service Requests (Note: No navigation path for survey data as the UI is on external survey tool and data is sourced via REST API)

Time Reporting

This subject area reports historical data.

Time dimension is linked to Service - CRM Survey Requests Real Time."Service Request Secondary Dates"."Open Date" or Service - CRM Survey Requests Real Time."Service Request Secondary Dates"."Close Date" or Service - CRM Survey Requests Real Time."Service Request Secondary Dates"."Resolution Date" depending on metric used with the date.

Transactional Grain

Survey Question/Answer

Special Considerations

Survey specific data is sourced from an external survey tool of choice via REST API. SR, product, account employee, BU and other service related data are from the Oracle B2B Service application