Rename the Account Field for Each Object

In a B2C environment, you're selling to people, not to accounts. You can still use the Account field, but you should change the field label to something that works for you.

For example, do you refer to the people you sell to as clients? If so, then change the name of the Account field to Client. Rename the Account field for the Activity, Contact, and Opportunity objects. Read this topic to learn how to rename the Account field using Application Composer.

Rename the Account Field

To rename the Account field:
  1. Navigate to Application Composer and expand Standard Objects.

  2. Expand the Activity object.

  3. Click the Fields node.

  4. Click the Standard tab to view the standard fields available for the Contact object.

  5. Click the Account field.

  6. On the Edit Standard Field: Account page, change the display label from Account to something that makes sense for your B2C context.

  7. Click Save and Close.

  8. Repeat this procedure for these additional objects:

    • Contact

    • Opportunity