Considerations for Autocreating Fulfillment Lines for the Contract or Contract Lines

The Autocreate Fulfillment Lines action automatically creates contractual fulfillment lines for whole contracts or for specific contract lines, depending on where you select it.

This topic explains the difference between selecting this action from the Action menu on the Edit Contract page and from the Action menu on the Lines tab. Contractual fulfillment lines are a type of contract fulfillment that you can use to initiate purchasing activity in integrated purchasing applications.

Autocreating fulfillment lines populates basic contract fulfillment information that you have to enter in manually when you select the Create fulfillment action on the Fulfillment tab.

Autocreating Fulfillment Lines on the Edit Contract Page

Select the Autocreate Fulfillment Lines action on the Edit Contract page to create one contractual fulfillment line for the contract as a whole if your contract has no contract lines, or to create one fulfillment line for each contract line. If a contract has no contract lines, the application creates one contractual fulfillment line only for those contracts created with contract types for future purchases.

Autocreating Fulfillment Lines on the Contract Lines Tab

Select the Autocreate Fulfillment Lines action on the Lines tab to create contractual fulfillment lines for each of the contract lines you selected on the tab.