Edit Contract Terms in the Clauses Tab

Depending on your permissions of the contract type and the contract status you can edit the contract terms displayed in the Clauses tab by using the outline. You must refresh the preview pane to see the results of your edits.

On the Clauses tab you can:

  • Edit clauses

  • Edit sections

  • Change the numbering style

Editing Clauses

You can edit standard clauses or create a completely new clause using one of the following actions:

  • Add a clause

  • Delete a clause

  • Move a clause

  • Select an alternate clause

  • Create a nonstandard clause

Different clause types permit different actions. For example, you can only select alternate clauses for clauses where alternates are available and you cannot edit protected clauses or delete mandatory clauses unless you have special permissions. Mandatory and nonstandard clauses are highlighted with icons as are clauses with available alternates. The following table summarizes what actions are available for different clause types.


Available Actions


  • Add

  • Move

  • Delete

  • Edit to create a nonstandard clause


  • Create by adding and editing a standard clause or create an entirely new nonstandard clause

  • Move

  • Delete

  • Edit


  • Add

  • Move

  • Delete

  • Edit only with special privileges


  • Move

  • Delete only with special privileges

  • Edit only with special privileges


  • Move

  • Edit to create a nonstandard clause

  • Delete

  • Select an alternate clause

Editing Sections

You can add, edit, delete, and move sections. When you move or delete a section, you move or delete its contents provided you have the permission to do so. For instance, you cannot delete a section if that section includes a mandatory clause and you do not have the special permission required to delete such clauses. When adding or editing a section, you have the option of selecting predefined sections from the Contract Terms Library or creating your own.

Changing the Numbering Style

You can change the numbering style of the contract terms by selecting the Change Numbering Scheme action.

A standard clause displays both the clause number and clause title, whereas a nonstandard clause only displays the clause title. Once you update a standard clause using word document and upload the contract, the standard clause becomes a nonstandard, and the clause number is removed. To retain the clause numbering for nonstandard clauses, you can use the clause numbering scheme in contract terms template.