How can I view amendments made to contract terms before I print them?

You can view the summary of the amendments made to contract terms.

For contract types with extensive terms and conditions such as public sector contracts, where contract terms may often be amended, you can select a terms layout template that enables you to print a summary of the amendments made to contract terms with or without the full list of amended contract terms and conditions. In such cases, recipients of contracts prefer to see just a summary of the amendments instead of the entire terms and conditions, especially as the summary is annotated with sections and clauses added and deleted, and clauses updated.

You can then use the Preview action on the Edit Contract page to view the contract and contract terms or amendment summary before you print it to send it to the recipients of the contract. Alternatively, you can also control the printing of the amendment summary without adjusting the terms layout template for each contract in the Contract Terms tab.

Note: The View Amendment Summary action in the Contract Terms tab of the Edit Contract page displays a tabular view of amendments made to contract terms and conditions and also to contract documents.