When do I create a clause as part of a contract terms template?

While creating a contract terms template, if don't find a clause you want to add in the Contract Terms Library, use the Create Clause button to create one.

The clause you create this way automatically associates to the terms template and you can send this for approval along with the terms template. While this shortcut to create a clause doesn't allow you to add some details such as clause instructions, references, and relationships to other clauses, you can always add any missing information later by editing the clause.

Similarly, when you withdraw the terms template from approval, all the draft clauses submitted along with the terms template are withdrawn too. This includes draft clauses that you added from the Terms Library. On stopping approval these draft clauses revert from their Pending Approval status to Draft status. Clauses in Pending Approval status you added to the terms template from the Terms Library stay in their Terms Library statuses when you withdraw the terms template from approval.