Clause Versioning

To make changes in an approved clause, you must create a new version. Versioning permits you to make changes to outdated clause text in contracts.

You create a new version of a clause by selecting from the Actions menu in the clause search page. Keep the following points in mind:

  • Clause versioning is restricted by status.

  • A new clause version is not effective until it is approved.

  • Not all attributes are versioned.

  • Creating a new version doesn't affect the setup of contract terms templates or rules.

  • You can view all clause versions and compare version text, but you can't restore an old version.

Clause Versioning Is Restricted by Status

You can create versions for clauses in the approved or expired statuses only. You don't create new versions to edit clauses that were rejected in the approvals process. You must edit and resubmit them for approval.

A New Version Is Not Effective Until It's Approved

When you create a new version of an approved clause, your edits don't take effect until the new version is approved. In the meantime, contract authors can continue to use the last approved version if there is one.

Not All Attributes Are Versioned

Not all clause attributes are versioned, so editing them immediately affects all versions, even those currently in use in contracts. These attributes are:

  • Clause relationships

  • Folders

  • Templates

  • Translations

Viewing Versions and Comparing Text

You can view and compare clause versions, but you can't restore a previous version:

  • If you want to view the different clause versions that are available in the library, select the Include All Versions check box in the clause search page.

  • If you want to compare the text of the old versions of a clause with the current version, open the clause in the edit page and click the History tab.