How can I withdraw a clause or a terms template from approval?

If you initiated a clause or a terms template approval, you can withdraw them from the Initiated Tasks view of the Terms Library Worklist. To withdraw a single clause from approval, use the Stop Approval action in the Edit Clause page.

To stop a terms template from approval, use the Stop Approval action on the Edit Terms Template page. This stops approval of all draft clauses submitted for approval with the terms template and reverts their status to Draft. But, stop approval doesn't affect the clauses that are already approved or pending for approval in that terms template. They remain as approved and pending approval clauses in the Terms Library.

If you withdraw clauses that are in localization, the adoption type is also reverted to its previous state, Available for Adoption.

Note: Stopping approval of a clause doesn't remove it from use. The clause is available as a draft clause in the Terms Library.

To remove an approved clause from use, put it on hold, or end date it.