How You Build and Maintain the Text Index for Keyword Searches

In the Contract Terms Library, you can use the Keyword field to search the text of clauses and contract terms templates. You can automatically build and maintain the text index by running the processes listed in this topic.

Setting Up and Maintaining the Text Index

You can set up the processes listed in this table to automatically build and optimize the text index at desired intervals. How frequently depends on how often your clauses and contract terms templates are updated. New clause and template versions become available for searching after they are indexed.



Build Keyword Search Index for Contract Clauses

Builds the index for clauses. The process indexes the text in the following fields: Clause Text, Clause Title, Display Title, Description, and Instructions.

Optimize Keyword Search Index for Contract Clauses

Optimizes the clause search.

Build Keyword Search Index for Contract Terms Templates

Builds the index for clauses in contract terms templates. The process indexes the text in the following fields: Template Name, Description, and Instructions.

Optimize Keyword Search Index for Contract Terms Templates

Optimizes the clause search in contract terms templates.

To run the processes:

  1. Select the Manage Processes task link in the Terms Library work area.

  2. In the Managed Scheduled Processes page, click Schedule New Process.