How You Set Up Numbering for Clauses

For each business unit, you can specify either automatic or manual numbering for clauses stored in the Contract Terms Library.

You specify the clause numbering method individually for each business unit during business unit setup by selecting either the Specify Customer Contract Management Business Function Properties or the Specify Supplier Contract Management Business Function Properties tasks. These tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area are part of the Enterprise Contracts offering in the Enterprise Contracts Base functional area.

If you specify manual numbering, requiring users to enter a unique number manually each time they create a clause in the library, then no further setup is required.

If you want the clauses to be numbered automatically, then you must:

  • Select a clause numbering level. The default clause numbering level for a contract that is not project-based is business unit.

  • Select the appropriate clause sequence category for the specified numbering level. This requires the setting up of a document sequence category and a document sequence as described in related topics before setting up the numbering method in the business unit. Use the following values for your setup.

Values to Use for Document Sequence Categories

When creating document sequence categories for numbering clauses in the Contract Terms Library, use the following values:

  • Application: Enterprise Contracts

  • Module: Enterprise Contracts


Values to Use for Document Sequences

When creating document sequences, use the following values:

  • Application: Enterprise Contracts

  • Type: Automatic

  • Module: Enterprise Contracts

  • Determinant Type: Global, Business unit, Ledger (if a primary ledger has been assigned to the business unit)