Scenario-Based Clause and Template Approval Rule Setups

The following topic outlines the main setups approval for scenario-based clause and template. The setups are accomplished using the tasks from the Setup and Maintenance work area. You need to select and edit the task to create a new rule.

Here are steps you can use to set up specific approval scenarios:

  1. Sign in as a setup user.

  2. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  3. Search and select the Manage Task Configurations for Customer Relationship Management task. The BPM Worklist page appears.

  4. In the Tasks to be configured region, select ContractClauseApproval or TemplateApprovalHumanTask respectively.

  5. Click the Edit task icon.

  6. Click the Assignees tab and click the Go to rule icon to create a new rule.

  7. Click the Add Rule icon to add one of these rules such that:

    • Clauses and Template are approved automatically:

      1. In the If section, select the condition as 1 is 1.

      2. In the Then section, select:

        • List Builder: Supervisory

        • Response Type: Required

        • Number of levels: 1

        • Starting Participant: HierarchyBuilder.getPrincipal(Task.creator,-1,"","")

        • Top Participant: HierarchyBuilder.getPrincipal(Task.creator,-1,"","")

        • Auto Action Enabled: True

        • Auto Action: "APPROVE"

      3. Ensure that other rules are inactive.

    • Clauses and Template are approved based on organization ID:

      1. In the If section, select the condition as Task.payload.getContractsClauseApprovalRuleAttributesResponse.result.orgId.lon gValue() is Organization ID.

      2. In the Then section, you can select a user or a group of a user as per your business requirements, this example, is a build for a user:

        • List Builder: Resource

        • Response Type: Required

        • Users: search for username

        • Groups: NULL

        • Application Role: NULL

      3. Ensure that other rules are inactive.

  8. Click Save and Close.