Browse the Sales Catalog from Deal Registration Pages

The Sales Catalog provides comprehensive catalog navigation guidance and product/group information so that users can make informed decisions about which product group to select or which product to sell.

Channel users and partners can browse the sales catalog and view the product hierarchy directly from the Deal Registration pages. This feature must be enabled by your sales administrator before channel and partner users can access it.

Note: The Browse Catalog feature is only available for deal registrations that are in Draft status.

Use these steps to browse the sales catalog from Edit Deal Registration pages.

  1. Sign in with your channel manager or partner credentials.

  2. Click Sales and click Deal Registrations.

  3. On the Deal Registrations page, select the appropriate deal registration in Draft status.

  4. In the Products region of the Edit Deal Registration Summary page, click Browse Catalog.

  5. On the Browse Sales Catalog page, you can click Settings and select to filter the catalog by territory.

  6. If you have multiple catalogs, you can select the catalog you want to browse in the Browse region.

  7. In the Catalogs region, you can click the name of the catalog to expand the catalog and browse its contents.

    The Browse Sales catalog page updates to show the Product Groups and Products in the selected catalog.

  8. In the Select column of the Product Groups and Products region, you can click the Select icon to add that product group or product to the deal registration

  9. After you have selected all of the product groups or products you want to add to the deal registration, click Done.

    You return to the Edit Deal Registration Summary page, where you can see that the selected product groups or products you selected in the catalog are now listed in the Deal Registration products region.

  10. You can click Save and Close if you're done editing the deal registration or you can click Save to save the product groups or products you added and continue making edits to the deal registration, such as adding team members, activities or notes.