Configure Tiers for Partner Programs

You can use partner programs without extra configuration. However, if you want to use tiers in your partner programs, then you must do the following:

  1. Expose the Tiers field and add it to the partner profile tab.

  2. Replicate your current partner levels with the Tiers functionality.

  3. Hide Partner Level.

Expose Tiers and Adding Them to the Partner Profile

Channel operation managers can use the following steps to expose tiers and add them to the partner Profile page.

  1. For the Partner Standard Object, do the following:

    • Add the Tier field to the Create Partner page with the Partner: Create page configuration task.

    • Add the Tier field to the Profile tab with the Partner: Edit page configuration task.

  2. Save your changes.

Replicate Your Current Partner Levels with Tiers

Channel operation managers can use the Tiers functionality to recreate your partner levels.

Hide Partner Level

Channel operation managers can use the following steps to hide the Partner Level field.

  1. For the Partner Standard Object, do the following:

    • Hide the Level field on the Create Partner page with the Partner: Create page configuration task.

    • Hide the Level field on the Profile tab with the Partner: Edit page configuration task.

  2. Save your changes.