Create New Partner Accounts

Channel managers can use the Partners UI to create new partner accounts, including the partner user (resource) for the partner account and the primary contact for the partner account.

If the new partner already exists as a customer account, then channel managers can convert the same account to a partner, thereby creating a dual usage partner (where the same party exists as both an account and a partner). Channel managers can also activate the partner account from the Partners UI during the partner account creation process.

Create Partner Account

Channel account managers can use these steps to create a new partner account, partner resource, primary contact, and activate the partner account.

  1. Sign in with your channel manager credentials.

  2. From the landing page, click Partner Management, and click Partners.

  3. Click Create Partner.

  4. Provide the following information for the partner:

    The following table shows the fields available on the Create Partner page, and indicates what to type or select in each field.

    Field Name

    What to Type or Select


    Type a unique name for the partner account you're creating.


    Select the type of partner account you're creating. Default values are:

    • Business process owner

    • Certification and compliance provider

    • Education services provider

    • Independent software supplier

    • Original equipment manufacturer

    • Re-seller

    • Support services provider

    • Systems integrator

    • Value added distributor


    If you have enabled levels, select the level for the partner account. Default values are Gold, Platinum, Premier, Silver, and Strategic.


    If you want to make the new partner account active, select Active. Otherwise, select Prospective or Registered.

    The partner account must have a primary contact before you can save the partner as Active, unless your setup doesn't require it.


    Select the country where the partner account is located.

    Address Line 1

    Type the street address of the partner account.


    Type the city where the partner account is located.


    Type the state where the partner account is located.

    Postal Code

    Type the postal code for the partner account.

  5. You can create the primary contact for this partner account at the same time you create the account. To create the primary contact, click the Create Primary Contact check box.

    If the Partner Contact Required for Active Partners profile option (ZPM_PARTNER_CONTACT_MANDATORY) is Yes, then a partner account must have a primary contact assigned before you can activate the partner account. In this case, the application automatically assigns the Partner Administrator role to the primary contact, which you can later change if necessary.

    If the Partner Contact Required for Active Partners profile option (ZPM_PARTNER_CONTACT_MANDATORY) is No, then you can create and activate the partner, and then later create the primary contact and assign a role.

  6. Provide the following information for the primary contact:

    The following table shows the fields available on the Create Primary Contact page, and indicates what to type or select in each field.

    Field Name

    What to Type

    First Name

    Type the first name of the primary contact.

    Last Name

    Type the last name of the primary contact.

    Job Title

    Type the job title of the primary contact.


    Type the email address for the primary contact.

  7. Click Save and Continue.

  8. If an account already exists with the same name as the partner that you're creating, then that account will be listed on the Possible Duplicates page.

    To convert the existing account to the new partner, click the Select button next to the account. This creates a partner that has a dual usage where the same party exists as both your customer account as well as your partner. You can add existing account contacts as partner contacts. This saves you time and keeps your data clean.

    If no possible duplicates exist, then you can go ahead and create the partner.

    Note: To enable partner deduplication, your administrator should set the Duplicate Account Notification profile option (ZCM_ACC_DUP_NOTIFICATION) to True.

Once you create an account, you can mark partners as favorites using the Add to Favorites icon.

Inactivate Partner Account

You can't delete partner accounts, but you can inactivate them by changing the status to either Expired or Terminated.

When a partner account's status is Terminated:

  • You can't modify existing user accounts of that partner or create new user accounts for that partner.

  • You can still create new partner contacts.

  • You must deactivate any existing user accounts that you don't want logging in, before you terminate a partner, because existing partner contacts and their user accounts are intact even after you terminate a partner.

  • You can always change the status of the partner back to active to allow creation or modification of the user account again.